school days…


“What moves you?”…….this handsome kiddo!


the look, when Papa goes up to his office in the morning…still handsome though.


outfits only look this good in the morning before school. Gotta snap em’ when you can.


Summer school is going well. No more biting, they ended up removing the child that was biting to another toddler environment. I feel bad for the parents, but can now relax a little knowing I won’t be getting as many incident reports from the Academy. Arlin Jack is…”Captain Chatterbox”…his vocabulary is incredible! His like a parrot…repeating even the not so nice words Mama and Papa some times say!

One Response to “school days…”

  1. abby Says:

    i know palmer said blue berry and popcycle and then i said you want some he said “no i don’t want to”! or at least thats what it sounded like to me!

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