Archive for January, 2011


Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

Never in a million years did I know I’d win the Mother of the year award by buying Jackers “Spiderman” underwear last week….I mean “under-roos” as Jackers calls em’!

We had a little melt down when I told him that I had to wash them first before he could wear them. I explained when he woke up in the morning they’d be all washed and ready to wear to school. A good hour or so after I put him to bed I could hear him talking, I peeked my head into his room…

“Hi, Mom. I’m just telling Kitty about my new Spiderman under-oos”

Oh, o.k. nite nite buddy.

First thing in the morning….I’m waken by a naked guy…

“I’m ready for my Spiderman under-oos Mom!”



We might have a little separation anxiety building up. It’s not good enough that we wear a pair of spiderman under-oos…we have to carry the other two pair around the house with us.

Mmmhmm, yep this is snack time after nap…he came out of his room with two pair clinched in his fist and Kitty under his arm.

“I’m gonna put the Spidermans right here Mom…O.k.? Right here next to me.”

Earlier that morning in the car on the way to preschool the conversation went something like this….

“Jacker’s… I know you’re really excited about your new Spiderman underwear but Mama doesn’t want you to show anyone your under-oos.. K? You can talk about ‘em and tell your friends about your special powers but leave your pants on K buddy?!”

It’s funny right?! I’m totally worried my kids gonna break out an improv peep show in his morning preschool class….!

He did run right into his classroom hollering he was Spiderman…”I have super powers!”

I forewarned his teachers about his uber excitement…his daily reports have confirmed he’s enthusiasm is still thriving!


We went to Ikea over the weekend…and I think he managed to tell everyone that walked past our cart that he was wearing Spiderman under-roos. Funny right?

try exhausting, oh lord help me!

I’m gonna have to make another trip to target to buy more underwear, because he refuses to wear any other kind!


Tuesday, January 11th, 2011





fort built in room?




Doesn’t look like it in this picture but we were having loads of fun with Auntie Molly over the other night…we built a fort on top of Arlin’s bed and got out the headlamps and glowsticks left here by Master Sarge…and had some fun in the dark!