Archive for October, 2008

Fall Days…round here…

Thursday, October 30th, 2008
Arlin in his new custom knit cap from Betty, you have to sneak attack put it on- cause the minute he sees the balls- it’s off!
I raked all the leaves in the back yard this morning…Arlin ate dirt.
them purdy blues!
I love his frankenstein walk!
He tries riding his cart…it’s pretty funny…you’d think he thought his legs were longer!

I took Arlin for his ONE year check up on Monday. Boy it was not fun. 5 shots and a prick in big toe for led testing because we live in an old house. This was the first time getting shots he associated pain with the nurse who dealt it…He got so mad at one of the nurses (yes it took me and 2 nurses to keep him contained for the rounds of shots) he swatted at her!!! I’m not joking he tried to swat at her arm holding the needle. It was a bit funny… but the nurse didn’t think so. I don’t blame him- shots stink.
He got an excellent bill of health and the doctor was very impressed with his motor skills and walking. His 75% percentile across the board, hasn’t gained much weight but I guess that’s normal with him now walking.

Jack-O-potamus and the Jack-O-lanterns…

Monday, October 27th, 2008

Rocks are cool!


Monday, October 27th, 2008

Yesterday we took little man to the Denver Botanical Gardens at Chatfield to hopefully see the Pumpkin Patch. You snooze you lose I guess, cause these were the only handful of pumpkins we saw. The corn maze was pretty cool though, at least Chad and I thought so, I had never seen one, Arlin was more into the pony’s and picking rocks off the ground…but heh that’s what one year olds do right?! (Check out Arlin’s new tee…Uncle Joel and Kirk spoiled him Saturday big time at the Lucky Brand store…..I mean BIG time!)

Magna Carta park…

Friday, October 24th, 2008

again the uploading turned the picture sideways…but Arlin was about to launch himself head first down this slide, I swear he has no fear! And he loves girls!!! He is such a flirt!

Captain Jack is officially a walker! Bad Mommy…I forgot to send a news flash (sorry I’ve been feeling sick with the flu or something) Yep…on the 21st after a great afternoon nap and some new Nike kicks (well hammy downs)-he started walking in front of Chad and I…now it’s almost always he chooses to walk instead of crawl!

My bud Palmer Sioux…

Friday, October 24th, 2008

Aren’t these guys the best?!

keep em coming…

Friday, October 24th, 2008
It didn’t take Arlin long to figure it all out. I can’t believe how much of it he actually ate!

I don’t know why this picture keeps u[ploading sideways…but whatever. This was Captain’s very own cake to dive into.
Another full shot…I’m pretty stoked we actually made it come to life…

more birthday…

Friday, October 24th, 2008

Arlin’s new walker from Pamaw and Grandpa Sarge. …he digs this toy! His favorite thing is to open the Peek-a-Boo barn door he laughs everytime like it’s the first time his heard it…so easily amused.

The Pirate Ship cake…thanks for the help Mom- there’s no way I could have pulled it off without you and your research! ingredients; Hershey Bar chocolate/plank top, pretzel squares/port holes/, wafer twist/steer of the ship…and the rest lots and lots of frosting!

1st Birthday…lots of pictures

Sunday, October 19th, 2008

It’s going to take Mama some time to resize all of Arlin Jack’s 1st Birthday pictures and post em’. Check out the family gallery that Chad made to see all the pictures- I’ve uploaded most of them there. Arlin’s Birthday went really well… More than I could ask for, Arlin was able to nap right before the party started, putting him in a good mood for the gift un-wrapping and cake! Pamaw was here to help out with everything and I could not have pulled it off without her! The cake/s were a masterpiece by the way- pictures coming stay tuned… P.S….pamaw we miss you already!