Archive for August, 2010

Uncle Joel!

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

Everytime we have a package at the door step Arlin squeals like a little girl (or pig) Uncle Joel! sent me toys! Open Mama! Open Papa!

Thank you Uncle Joel and Uncle Kirk…you guys are still spoiling him even all the way from Denver! He loves it…later that day Arlin pointed out that the toy man on the pirate ship had “art” (tattoos) just like Uncle Joel does on his arms! I was blown away by his observation…and that although we haven’t seen Uncle Joel in quite some time he remembers the little details very well.

We miss you guys. Come visit soon.

stick em’ up…

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

this is what happens when you forget the book you gave him to read after dinner has a secret stash of stickers in the back!

“Look Mama!”

then he hollers….”Sticker Power!”

If you notice he’s got his fist out but no pointer fingers…I’ve been trying to teach him it’s rude to point at people…so he points to things he wants and me with his fist closed…it’s pretty funny actually.

sideways, sorry

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

but it’s still cute, just turn your computer screen if you can…or your noggin’ that would work to duh (me)…chad shot this with his i-phone yesterday while Mama was cooking dinner.

mmm popsicle…

Friday, August 13th, 2010

this video is a couple weeks old…just getting around to uploading a few videos. We had fun in the sun today and took Otis to a nearby football field for some ball chasing. We’re anxiously awaiting Sissy’s arrival tomorrow!

summer is still here…

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

Summer is still here. We’re still busy and YES, I’m still taking pictures of Jacker pants, just finding time to blog them is another story.

IMG_0990trip to Ikea play zone and lunch with Mama

only a face a mother could love (or everyone else in the world!)

he built this all on his own. who said you couldn’t build rome in a day?

“the dozer help us mama!”

lounging in buddy Ben’s pool

in buddy Ben’s sister-Taylor’s pink inner-tube.

the escapee! Yes, we lock Jacker’s in his room, with a big boy bed (freedom) there’s trouble to get into!

Arlin gets a sucker for eating all his sushi (and half of mine!)


now this is a face only a mother could love!

Arlin starts his new PreSchool for the Arts Sept. 7th!!! YIPEE! Mama is counting down the days. We’re very excited about this new program close to our house. And thrilled to be getting Jackers back to a similar school schedule/routine (five days a week) like he was on back in Denver. He’ll for sure miss his buddies at the Cove but it’s time to plant some roots in a full time program with a few more tots.