Archive for March, 2009


Saturday, March 28th, 2009


Arlin?? Where are you??


Ha! I found you…it really did have me startled for a minute…this is a first time adventure for the Captain.


It was funny…till he was stuck. I had to lift the sofa and tug him free. 


breakfast during the blizzard…


the Captain offered free entertainment for Papa and I. Arlin Jack got out his dinosaur slippers (from his Halloween costume) and made Papa put them on.


the Captain’s custom cleaning station…


I hung it up while he was napping. When he woke…it’s the first thing he noticed, I swear this guy doesn’t miss a beat.


not even 10 minutes after discovery he managed to rip the rack right off the wall. Anchoring it with massive screws was on our weekend “Honey Do” list. 

It was a real treat to hang for a week in the morning with my guy.  But boy oh boy did we get cabin fever with all the snow. I think the Captain is going to be thrilled to get back to school next week. However I was happy we managed to get well over the past five days. No runny nose or cough and man o’ man Arlin Jack has his appetite back and then some! I swear he eats more than we do!!! I think he is in a serious growing spurt. Big meals, and long naps! It’s good news that Pamaw is booking travel to Denver soon!

Sunday sunshine…

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

Sunday at Team Woefel’s for a little anniversary celebration. Congrats to Abby and Kiko!

(and thanks to Abby for snapping these pictures! Mama was too busy enjoying a beer and a day off!)



such handsome lads…watch out ladies!


we need to find a new hat for summertime. The Captain was a little red on the forehead yesterday when we got home and that was even after we borrowed some suntan lotion from Abby.


Wow…the weather was so beautiful this weekend! It was so nice to put some shorts on and be in the sunshine…make us all day dream about summertime!

Family time…

Sunday, March 22nd, 2009


Confluence Park, on Saturday…


I ran from our house down to Evans across Santa Fe Dr. and 8 miles up Platt River to meet the boys at Confluence Park.


Captain’s legs are a little short yet for climbing, but he’s got the concept down for sure!


loving the slide action…


with open platforms on both side of the playground I had to chase him around everywhere he went…(Chad says I over do it) I’m just so afraid of his “fearless” curious george…. I visualize him falling off everything!


Papa helping with shorty’s legs!


we walked along the river back up to R.E.I where Chad parked the car…we stopped to watch this lady standing on something that looked to be a surf board…


Uh…Oh…she started to holler!


Splash…Bummer to be her for  the rest of the afternoon at the park in all white wet attire!

Off to Abby and Kiko’s anniversary gathering this afternoon…the Captain and I may be attending alone….Papa’s got a sore throat. : (

Two wheels

Saturday, March 21st, 2009


an empty cup…but it’s Mama’s…so he’s thrilled and empowered!


handsome devil…


so intense…


rocks and a starbucks cup…that’s all you need.


on to the next…


at first I thought it was Stella’s bike he was after…


makin’ room…need clearance!


he wanted the small blue bike that was behind Stella’s cruiser…and boy was he determined!


I decided to help the Captain out…


And pulled the blue bike out for him…”Does he even know what to do with it?” I thought to myself…


YES…he sure does! This is me holding the bicycle with one hand ( a bicycle with no training wheels I might add!) and taking the picture with the other hand…while the Captain climbs right on up!


with two flats tires…he wasn’t exactly easy to push around the backyard on flagstone.


I’m over the runny nose! Add that to the Mommy list….windex, spray n’ wash, and kleenex! I should buy stock in all three!  Spring Break is all next week. Captain will be out of school- maybe we’ll have time to de-snot our little guy?! I’m hopeful to get my little guy healthy and spend some quality time with him! 

I hollered at Chad to come downstairs to see the Captain on the bicycle today…I was totally blown away and I think Papa was surprised too. He is fearless, it’s so cool to watch him explore (and it’s totally scary at the same time) He is all BOY.

Papa and I both turned to each other and said it’s time to get the Captain his first bike, o.k. maybe trike! Just in time for summer!

Pushin’ thru the week…

Thursday, March 19th, 2009


learning to brush our teeth…Um, has been one challenging adventure!


we’re at least going through the daily routine now with only a few melt downs…but I’d be fibbin’ if I told you I was finished with the “vice” grip head lock to get the upper front four teeth! Man is my guy strong!


this is the Captain smiling as he sucks the “bubblegum” flavored toothpaste off the brush…it’s the Captain’s version of brushing his teeth…he stands at the faucet, wets his tooth brush and then slurps the water off it. And he does this over and over again. It’s funny till your in a hurry and the Captain is standing there soaking wet, not to mention the water he’s managed to splash everywhere!…I’ve never done so much laundry or gone through so many bottles of windex cleaner in my entire life.


Captain had a tummy ache after school today. Along with a slight fever (cutting more molars-yay-not!) It was super warm again today, so I let him cruise around the house in his diaper and tee…before bath time. Looking forward to summertime, he’s so darn cute with no shoes on, stompin’ around the kitchen.


Captain wanted to be held the majority of the afternoon. I can kind of be a push over when it comes to giving him a little extra t.l.c if I know his not feeling well.


Arlin after his bath time carried this violin case (Papa’s from when he was 3yrs.old) which isn’t exactly lightweight, he was so determined to get the locks undone…then he’d stop and just stand on it?! frustrated our we Captain?


cracker break.


BOOKS!…Yes, we are finally into books! And he’ll actually sit for me to read them aloud to him. Yay, this makes Mama very happy…


he picks out the book then climbs up onto my lap…


Story time before bed every night…at least that’s what we’re shooting for!

Monday Monday!

Monday, March 16th, 2009


trying to stay entertained waiting for my i-phone to be evaluated at the Apple store.


I’d let the Captain cruise…then reel him back in!


“Well hello Mr. Plant.” I swear he was having a conversation here.


reeling him back in…again and again.


my little guy.


after the mall visit and a repaired or should I say replaced i-phone I took the Captain to Wash Park playground to blow off some steam…


this guy has absolutely NO fear of anything.


great picture…i love it.


the Captain’s glue stitches finally came off this morning…geez! I thought he’d be eighteen and still have em’! those suckers were on there good! No scar…Woo Hoo!


I literally thought he was going to buck himself right outta’ this rhino!


an hour later and dinner time…we headed home. Plum tuckered out by 6:30pm we read our potty training book and went nite- nite with kitty!

March on!

Sunday, March 15th, 2009


Happy St. Patricks Day…(well almost)

Getting ready to get on the Light-rail by our house to go downtown Lodo to Union Station…What a frustrating venture. Chad got on the train after collapsing the stroller, while the train attendant told Stella, Arlin and I to walk around and board through the second car. Following his instructions, we walked all the way around the handicap ramp to board the train when all the sudden the train started to pull away??!!!

We were left behind! I was super irritated. And panicked for a minute thinking I didn’t have my phone or even house keys…till’ I realized Stella was holding my purse. Chad had to get off at the next stop and wait for us. This speed bump set us back a good 45 minutes from getting to the parade. Argh…and we were on time this morning too!


Stella on top of Papa’s shoulders to see some of the Parade…i love the monkey ears on her sweatshirt!


it turned out to be an awesome weather day..but Brrr it was chilly in the shade.


it only took us about half the parade to meet up with some friends…we failed at finding the Woefel’s at 17th and Blake?! So we walked a few more blocks to find Alex, Lola and Salvador…


Stella look! they painted the horses hoof’s sparkly green!


you could say this was a highlight of the parade… for Mama at least.


loved the car and the cute Grandma waving in the back seat!


Arlin got a kick out of the bag pipe dudes…


We met up with Mark and Jamie Polk at the tail end of the parade to have a few cold beers in the beer garden in front of Fado’s…


Mama totally got suckered by this little Leprechaun for $2 bucks to take a picture with Stella…


I had to get my money’s worth and snap two pictures! (I think Stella was taller than the Leprechaun!)

I was exhausted by the time we got home yesterday and barely had energy to go grocery shoppin’, but I managed!  We grabbed a late lunch at Get Battered Fish and Chips (Alex’s shop) so I didn’t have to cook dinner, other than making Stella some soup (woo hoo) We laid low last night and watched the movie Toy Story…I love that movie!


It’s not a Jeep Mama!

Friday, March 13th, 2009


So excited…


he knew just what to do with the steering wheel!


checking out the dashboard…and all the doo-dads


Back it up…(PUSH-Mama!) I cannot tell you how heavy this thing is!


The Captain screamed if I took a breather and stopped pushing him around the backyard.


 Every time we play in the backyard Arlin climbs behind the patio swing to scope this bad boy out! It’s been here since we moved from Parker, and it’s been broken since before then. I hear stories of how cool it used to be and I was actually corrected at the dinner table…..

“This is not a Jeep Mama! It’s a semi-truck or tractor if you will” says proud Papa…I can only imagine the pretty penny spent some years ago for this whip. Stella had a few stories to share too! 

After seeing these pictures Papa is now on a mission to fix the semi!

Back to the grind…

Thursday, March 12th, 2009


proof’s in the pudding…Captain earned and is now proud owner of..Gold Wings!


don’t laugh it worked! The Captain enjoys company while he eats. And while Mama is busy getting her morning cup of coffee ready… she thought it was worth a try to sit Eebee in the seat next to the Captain. Eeebee is now a regular for breakfast, lunch and dinner at the Larsen’s!


Mama cleans while the Captain makes a mess…we make a great “duo”…


a present we managed to squeeze into our luggage from Great Grandma Ruby…she didn’t even know the Captain’s other show besides Eebee Baby is Little Einstein’s!


you push the blue button and the chair talks to you! He loves this thing! Chad’s on the hunt though…after a major burst of excitement last night it’s possible the Captain popped his beloved blow up chair…it was looking a little deflated this morning.

New words as of today…”More” “Cheese” and “Go, Go,Go”…(Go-not Ga, which means dog in A.J.’s world) it’s something new everyday! Btw…Arlin is addicted to raisin’s…I have to hide the canister from him or he howls till you cave in! His teacher shared with me today at pick up that “Arlin “REALLY” likes raisins! And he said the word “more” while he signed it too!” I was waiting for raisin’s to enter the sack scene! I knew I’d get some kind of story.

Travelin’ Man!

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009


Great Grandpa Tom…

exploring the hotel room…


about to eat some food…


Great Grandma Ruby…


generations…my Dad (Grandpa Tom) Great Grandpa Tom and the Captain…


exploring Grandpa’s backyard…


checkin’ out the boats outside the Disneyland Hotel…


say…”CHEESE!”…& this is the face you get…gotta love it!


sensory overload…


gift from Grandpa & Grandma…


playin’ in the back of Uncle Tony’s truck after lunch…


just missing Stella outside the California Disney!


We had such a great trip to California! Now it’s time to play catch up with getting back into the routine of school and normal bedtime! I’ve had to physically wake the Captain up the past two mornings for school, I guess he’s catching up on lost sleep from his big travels!