Archive for July, 2009

another week…

Thursday, July 30th, 2009


another week has come and nearly passed, it’s been busy to say the least. Arlin’s wearing a new shirt I bought him from Old Navy, they’re having a crazy blow out summer sale…I figured for $1.99 I couldn’t pass it up, we’ll just add a long sleeve under it for Fall.


mmm, beans…this was our last dinner with Papa before he had to leave again for business. All Chad’s recent work travel has been rough on the Captain, and it makes me realize just how awesome of a Papa Chad is. This morning when we left for school Chad put him in his car seat and said …“Papa’s gotta get on an airplane and go to work o.k.?..Papa see you in awhile buddy…I love you.

As we drove around the corner Arlin started crying…”Papa!Papa!” he cried the whole drive to school, real crocodile tears *ugh* and when we pulled up to school all he was saying over and over was, “work,work,work.


this is pretending to be a “truck” one with a forklift…with he’s food tray, it’s great fun.

I took him shopping Tuesday when it was raining to pick him up a cheap fire truck toy of some sort, something that maybe made sounds and was small enough for travel. I thought it’d be good to have some visual/verbal lessons because Arlin Jack can’t seem to say the word “truck” correctly, we’re working on it though…”cruck”, is what most often comes out, however, the other day when moseying up and down the isles of Big Lots it was “caw-ick” sounds like “cock” he was very animated and repeating the word over and over… louder and louder. I couldn’t toss a fire truck into his lap of the shopping cart fast enough!…I was dying laughing and so were the other shoppers around me.

O.k. o.k. shhhhhhhsh. Arlin here’s a fire “truck” just for you…

Arlin’s favorite words this week; “yeah” (means I want), Paw-mer (Palmer), cruck (truck), cracker (any food he sees), Peee-ease (please), tank u (thank you), Mama, Papa, work, poo-poo…and of course “No.”

stir crazy…

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009


snack time this afternoon before we picked up “Sissy” from summer camp…he loves California Cutie tangerines!


dinner, pizza on the patio.


I must have said…”sit down Arlin” 20 times.


thought he was pretty clever till he found out his big noggin couldn’t squeeze through.


swinging like a monkey he thought he could swindle his way out…


and the nut-roll begins. Mama to the rescue!


Could you say no to this face? Especially when he says…”Elp…Peeease” and he signs it too.


fed and ready for some water play, Arlin Jack chases both Stella and the dog.


oops… got himself.


a few times!


Stella spiking up the Captain’s hair.


my guy. He’s had a rough couple of days. Dealing with a little separation anxiety from me (Mama) not sure where it’s coming from but, I’m hoping it’s just a phase cause it breaks my heart to have him break down when I drop him off at school, this morning I cried as I drove away. It’s just not like him. In this picture above I was actually trying to get a close up shot of his chin, moments before we left to get Stella today Arlin Jack fell off one the barstools onto the kitchen slate floor as I was putting the left over snacks into the fridge…Uh, the cry he let out, I thought for sure when I lifted him up off the ground his arm was going to be broken then looking at his face he had a bloody lip. My heart sank, I literally thought I was headed to the emergency room-Again! Really dude?Twice in one week??!… I calmed him down and then pinned him down for an examination, all good except a goose egg on his chin and I think he bit the inside of his lip, causing it to puff up a bit, but all teeth and jaw were intact. I’m telling you all now, this kid is going to shave years off my life if he keeps this pace up!

Chad’s flight was cancelled, and he’s stuck in Montana, as he describes it- stuck in  the Napoleon Dynamite movie…we’re all going stir crazy waiting for him to get home. Poor Arlin is missing Papa like crazy, he calls for him through out the day and wears or carries his shoes around the house.

just wrong…

Monday, July 20th, 2009


We frequent Pete’s Greek Central in Denver and “Pete” has taken a liking to Arlin Jack, he was playing around making Arlin’s new dinosaur figurines disappear into the restaurant window behind us…with all the teasing the Captain was a trooper and won not only a soft spot in his heart but dessert on the house!


Arlin Jack’s first soda experience (a little bit of sprite and cherry) don’t cha love the powered mustache?


so happy. one hand on the cookie, mmmm, and one on the soda!

Chad was leaning back in his chair laughing away….


not kidding, this is Arlin Jack mimicking Papa…we all were laughing, he is such a funny character!


poor Stell was in a bummer of a mood when she got to our house with some bad news that her doggie Rudi died Saturday, only a puppy he supposedly died in an accident in the quarry above their house in the mountains. We gave her lots of hugs and Arlin Jack worked his magic with her and before we knew it we had plenty of giggles…


we drove to Target after dinner to grab some last minute things for Stella’s big day at camp…wow were they ramped up on a sugar high followed by a major meltdown in the toy section by Arlin Jack.

fire truck…

Sunday, July 19th, 2009


watching the bigger kids run back and forth role playing…


not sure whether he should put the hat on or not…afterall we do have a boo boo on our forehead.


but he wore the hat like a champ and drove co-pilot anyways!

Our year membership to the Denver Children’s Museum has been money well spent. I’ve more than enjoyed watching Arlin Jack grow he seems to be having more and more fun playing in each environment every time we go.

second set…

Friday, July 17th, 2009


and we’re not even 2yr.old yet!  Oh, lord help me!


walking out the front door for school Thursday morning, the Captain biffed it knocking his noggin on the door jam. Second time around my heart was in my throat. Calm, cool, collected was all I could think….at least try anyways.


at the pediatricians office. We waited anxiously for the next available Doctor, what a challenge to keep injured Jack entertained in an all white room!


after exhausting everything packed in the diaper bag I finally let him have at the treatment room, I figured the nurses had to understand he was going stir crazy after 45 minutes! Arlin Jack found great interest in the step stool, he must have taken the caster wheels off and on 50 times! He’s pretty smart.


it was worth the wait and then some! Yay! Otter Pops! Arlin was such a champ when they flushed his cut out and glue stitched him up the doctor and nurse were amazed at how well he laid still and he didn’t fuss one bit! I was super proud of him.


this was the Captain’s first popsicle experience….and hmm was it good! He was so excited when the nurse handed it to him he couldn’t hardly stand himself we both giggled all the way out of the office and finally Mama could breathe again. I definitely think I was more bruised than Arlin over this morning mishap.

Moments after the popsicle was consumed the Captain was crashed out…

over the weekend…

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009


Saturday Chad and I took Arlin and Stella to Pirates Cove. I packed us all lunch and some drinks, glad I did, the food at the park was yukky.


Stella showing Arlin just how it’s done…


The Captain wasn’t too sure about the water squirter, it was fun till it hit him in the face!


watching “Siss-E” as he calls her.


pool time.


Sunday we went to the park I had Arlin Jack’s baby shower, and took Arlin and Stella on the train ride around the park and into the petting zoo. I’ll have to pull the pictures of the petting zoo off chad’s camera. While we were inside the sheep and pig corral the pig started play fighting with one of the sheep and to my surprise nibbled my leg after pommeling a poor toddler little girl standing nearby. Arlin was right next to me and I think it startled him just as much as me…I scooped the Captain up and bee lined it straight out of the pen squealing the whole way. Chad and Stella thought it was pretty funny…

I thought it was funny the troublemaker pig’s name was “Stella!”


walking up the creek at the park.


Miss Stella sporting some of her new duds, glad they fit and she said are “comfy, comfy!”

Uncle Joel snapshots…

Sunday, July 12th, 2009

I promised Uncle Joel to post these pictures he captured on his phone when we hung out the Friday before the 4th of July. Uncle Joel babysat Arlin Jack so Chad and I could have a nice lunch out and enjoy a sunny afternoon! Thanks Joel!


…”speed fast and take chances right?!”


the Captain get comfy in the driver seat…


thank gosh we’ve got a few years ahead of us for them litt’le legs to reach the pedals of pure speed. *sigh*


outside the house…just chillin’…


this one is for Master Sarge. yes, the Captain is sitting on your bike- the Ducati…


Arlin rockin’ his new sunglasses. It doesn’t matter which way he puts them on there on the right way! (although he looks like a bug!)