Archive for December, 2008

True Religion…

Tuesday, December 30th, 2008



It’s true… the Captain has his own pair of True Religion baby jeans!

Thank you uncle Marco and Aunt Sarah!

I put these bad boy jeans on him yesterday to see how far off they’d fit and I couldn’t believe they fit! Size 2T. Well, as you can see they have quite the cuff action going on…but the belly area seems to be just snug enough they don’t fall off, yay!

The Captain will be wearing these gems daily!

Christmas at the Larsen’s…

Monday, December 29th, 2008
Christmas morning

Christmas morning

didn't take long for the Captain to catch on to ripping the wrapping paper off!

didn't take long for the Captain to catch on to ripping the wrapping paper off!

Papa putting together Arlin's new Play & Learn Pony

Papa putting together Arlin's new Play & Learn Pony

Arlin helping Papa...

Arlin helping Papa...

Ride em' Cowboy!

Ride em' Cowboy!

This toy was definitely the winner.

This toy was definitely the winner.

Mama and Kitty even helped unwrap presents

Mama and Kitty even helped unwrap presents

Mama & Captain...

Mama & Captain...

The boys...

The boys...


Arlin giving Papa a hard time

Eebee Baby! Present from Grandma & Grandpa Larsen

Eebee Baby! Present from Grandma & Grandpa Larsen

Christmas night

Christmas Night

Arlin’s second Christmas! Oh, it was so fun to watch him get the hang of opening his presents. At first it took some coaxing but once he figured out there were goodies inside each box- the ripping fest began! Poor guy hit the wall waiting for his big sis to get here, had to break for a nap and open the rest of his presents the following morning.

When Arlin woke from his nap we headed up to Grandma and Grandpa Larsen’s for Christmas dinner and to meet their three exchange students they had staying with them for the holidays. One student, was from Lebanon, and the other two from Egypt, they were really nice guys and fun to talk with about their countries.

Chad and Arlin came down with a bug half way through dinner making dessert super short, as we had to get back down the mountain and home to bed.

Tuesday, December 9th, 2008







My little picasso! Arlin Jack wanted to help me paint the onesie I was working on last night. I gave me a couple old tattered brushes to play around with. I t humored him for quite a while.

Captain Bundle…

Friday, December 5th, 2008









Stuck in theĀ  house…(Honda still in the body shop, should be finished today! yay.) Both little man and I started to get cabin fever….

So, I figured the Captain and I had to get out of the house for a bit and play in the backyard snow. After Arlin woke up from his morning nap I saw just how many layers of warm clothes I could get on him under his fleece snowsuit from Great Grandpa Fred in Michigan.

I couldn’t tell if his boots were actually on his feet or not because his legs were so puffy- it didn’t seem like I could get the boots on all the way- but hey, it didn’t stop the Captain from frolicking around one bit. Oh, and those are Stella’s gloves on his little paws- Yes, I’ve neglected to buy mittens with the teasing warm weather we’ve been having this winter- although we do have Pamaw’s R.E.I glove straps awaiting a new pair of mittens- so, maybe I’ll go shopping over the weekend for some mittens- along with a bathing suit for the Virgin Islands!

Good bye snow…Hello sunshine!

Pamaw, we are so ready to see you and head to the V.I.!!!!


Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Pictures from last night…waiting for Papa to get home from work, I let the Captain cruise where ever he wanted to go in the down stairs part of the house. Yes, I followed him around like the Paparazzi to get these pics, man is he quick these days.How cute are his Grandpa pajamas! I saw them on clearance at Walmart of all places (trying to find magnets) I had to buy them even if they were a little white-trash-ish! with racer “Lightening Mc Queen” on them.ha. I think he looks adorable.

We had quite the scare earlier today. After a friend stopped by to pick up a custom onesie, we were playing in the kitchen area. I was cooking Arlin some food at the stove when I just got a funny “Mommy feeling” that something was wrong. Arlin was sitting on his knees in front of the back door watching Otis outside. I walked over and reached in his mouth to scoop out…a
* NAIL.*
I had NO clue how I knew he had this in his mouth. I just did. The Captain didn’t give any signs of weirdness or make any noises-maybe that’s it- he was just too quiet. I couldn’t believe with his little pincher’s he managed to wiggle this nail loose from the door molding. There was another nail sort of sticking out at Arlin’s level that I asked Chad hammer in when he got home from work last night.
It’s that Mommy feeling- you feel blessed to have at times like this- it saved us a trip to the E.R!!! And it’s that Mommy feeling you can never ignore.


Monday, December 1st, 2008


Papa was busy watching Sunday football. Stella and Mama were making Christmas cookies. And Arlin was mad nobody was playing with him!

These are pictures of him yelling his new word…


Captain Jack can’t quite say Stella yet, but he sure has figured out “Ella!”

It was awesome to hear it this past weekend- & I think Stella was super proud he could say her name, after all he only says about four words right now…mama, papa, dog, kitty….and now ella!

Seems like the Captain’s vocabulary has doubled this past week. We’re growing new teeth (molars) saying new words- and climbing all over the house!

My baby’s growing up so fast! I wish there was a slow motion button sometimes. :(