Archive for January, 2009

Back to school…

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009


he can eat all the crackers he wants with those baby blues.


So, I’m thinking I’ve kinda been obsessing with taking head shots of Arlin’s glue stitches…his first war wound. Is that weird? Oh, my poor guy…

I love this red sweater he’s wearing in these pictures (again from :) Aunt Patty) Boy, I tell ya- this little guy is stylin’ with one healthy sized wardrobe. Between Pamaw (grandma), great Aunt Patty and his surrogate fathers Uncle Joel and Kirk… it’s a rare occasion as parents we have to buy him clothes!

Arlin has become fascinated with shoes…I’m thinking it’s because of the routine we go through every morning- getting ready for school here at the house, we switch from his bear slippers to his Vans, then when we get to school we have to sit down and put on his indoor shoes (the pee pee crocs-as I call em’) that’s like Mr. Rogers, except it’s shoes and not sweaters. Or maybe he’s just following in the footsteps of his father…who we all know has a serious shoe addiction. (Well, Mama knows this!)

Cabin fever…

Monday, January 26th, 2009

jan-2609-004Arlin in his new Columbia fleece (thank you :) aunt Patty)
jan-2609-002the healing forehead…

leave it to him to find his pacifiers (we’re trying not to use them anymore)
At least the Captain’s fever has subsided. However, today staying home from school I think the Captain’s fever turned into a little “Cabin Fever” boy oh boy…was he a mischievous little dude today! If I turned my back for one minute he was into some sort of trouble.

Poor Captain Jack…

Friday, January 23rd, 2009


sitting on top of the medical table playing with Mama’s key’s for distraction.


after the nurses flushed his forehead out with saline solution…

Ugh. Two weeks shy of 16 months and my boy has already gotten his first stitches!

I dropped Arlin off to school yesterday morning a few minutes later than usual. I said my goodbyes and headed to the gym for some treadmill running/training. I wasn’t even 5 miles away when I got the phone call from Bergamo Academy that Arlin was injured. Once again he fell and hit his head on something (this is twice in one week?!). This time they advised me to come pick Arlin up, as they thought he may medical assistance.

I don’t think I’ve ever driven that fast anywhere with such intent. (and dialogued excuse planned out in my head-you know for that police officer- I thought so surely (with my luck) would be pulling me over)

I needed to see Arlin. I needed to hold him. I needed to make him feel better.

When I walked into the toddler classroom he was in “normal” Arlin spirits, but I wasn’t fooled by his demeanor, he clearly needed to go to the doctor. One, to make sure he didn’t have a concussion (he had quite the egg on his upper right-side forehead) and Two, to see if he needed some stitches, after all his forehead was open.

Indeed Arlin Jack needed stitches. I begged for the resident doctor to use glue stitches if she thought we could get away with them, she was about to give him two old fashion stitches and I thought for sure Arlin would scar, and well…  I just knew I’d faint right there in the doctor’s office if that’s the route we were about to go down.- It’s true, I’m such a sissy wimp when it comes to injuries, I will never be a nurse or a doctor in another life! (if there is one)

I need to breathe. Right? It’s called being a Mom to a…BOY…Right?!

Or did we jump the gun on sending our little guy to Montessori school?

First Rodeo!

Monday, January 19th, 2009


this picture is the…BEST!!!




Spoiled. Rotten…

Uncle Joel bought the Captain’s first Carhartt jacket and real cowboy hat.


at Uncle Joel & Kirk’s house…

I am so glad we finally made it to the Denver Rodeo/ Western Stock Show yesterday with Uncle Joel! (we missed you Kirk!)

Arlin got to check out lots of different animals up close and personal for the first time ever.

We saw some…Cows, Chickens, Ducks, Guinea Pigs, Horses, Ponies, Roosters, Alpacas…and so on! The Captain had the best view in the house the entire show…Uncle Joel carried him like precious cargo 6 feet high in the air. :-) I think Arlin was on sensory overload- it was a lot to take in, but he loved every minute of it, even with the sniffles. (I think we have a slight cold again) Thank you uncle Joel, you were a champ with handling the Boogers, Snot rockets…whatever you call them yuckies…

Next, it’s time for Mama to get back to the Rodeo to see some REAL Rodeo action!!! Can’t wait.

Boo boo…

Sunday, January 18th, 2009


handsome Jack…& those baby blues!


curious george…always reaching for the camera…you have to be quick!


I love this picture…it’s like “Mooommm!!!” stop taking pictures of me!”

So, we got our first “real” boo boo at school on Friday. Arlin Jack accidentally took out the corner of a table with his mouth/cheek.  The school called right away and left me a message about the accident. However, I was rocking out to music while running on the treadmill and I didn’t get the voice mail notification until after Chad has already gone and picked him from school at noon. At that point I was at the hair salon getting a cut and color.

My heart was literally in my throat when I heard the voice mail (I was such a bad Mama for not getting the voice mail!)  Of course,  I immediately dialed Chad (like 15 times) to get him on the phone for the run down of what happened. I was so ready to leave  my hair appointment. Chad called me right back and told me there was no need to worry- he’s a boy babe- I think those are the words he used. :)

Thank gosh my little guy is tough as nails! He took the spill, cried a little and then kept on truckin’.

Jessica the director of Bergamo Academy, called us early Saturday afternoon to check in and see how Arlin was doing. I was impressed.

Man, am I in for some serious heart palpitations over the next ten years of boyhood and growing up or what?!


Thursday, January 15th, 2009


Wiped out…we didn’t even make it all the way home from school and Arlin crashed out. I was talking to him, asking him how his day at school was… and he was right there with me in the conversation, talking and giggling, then all the sudden it got really quiet…

Next stop light I turned around to look…at this my friends…was it.

Poor guy, we kept Arlin up way past his bedtime last night to attend a workshop at his new Montessori school. I thought today might be kind of rough… and Mama was right.

Snow time!

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009


Chad snapped a shot of us as he shoveled the drive way for us… (such a nice Papa)


Pulling out of our neighborhood, I was proud of myself for driving safely on the unplowed streets.


sitting at many stop lights along the way I was snapping pictures of the snowy trees…I love em’.


We started out alright, but who knew it would take over 45 minutes to drive 3.3 miles?


Mr. Cranky overheating in the long…long car ride to school.


Channel 7 News…27 degrees

Arlin’s First Day at Montessori…

Monday, January 12th, 2009


getting ready to leave for the first day of school…


got his new (pee pee-heheh) Crocs on (or Target’s version of em’)


Literally this is the first minute he was in the classroom…he walked right over to the table and picked up a glass of water and started drinking it. I was still standing with his coat in my hand and well…my jaw on the floor.


2 seconds later…


he’s well on his way into mischief…


the sweeper?!

I quietly made an exit here. Arlin didn’t even notice I was leaving- or should I say he could careless I was leaving!


I snuck up on Arlin after school to pick him up. He was glued to the fence of the play yard watching two skateboarders cruise up and down the street.


Yep…the Captain! Eating rocks and who knows what else when I picked him up.  We came home right after I picked him up, he was totally wiped out from missing his morning nap time. I went to take his coat off and a bunch of white rice spilled out onto the floor?! Must have been some exercise they did in class??!! It was challenging just to get through lunch- his head was bobbing…I’ve never seen him that tired. He immediately went down for almost a 2 hour nap after lunch…I waited patiently for him to wake up- I wanted to play! It felt so strange not having him with me all morning. Milestones…wow do they make me feel grown up.

Tomorrow is a BIG day!

Thursday, January 8th, 2009

Captain Jack’s first day of Montessori school is tomorrow!!!

I don’t know who’s more nervous or excited, Papa, Mama or the Captain? Actually I think Arlin can’t wait.

Today all three of us attended an Open House at the new Bergamo Academy, the only AMI Montessori in Denver. The Academy offered to entertain any children while the parents watched an introduction video about Maria Montessori and the ideals behind Montessori teachings.

The founder of the Academy, Meredith Malak, spoke about her in depth training in San Diego and shared a bit of information about her husband who is also helping run the school business with her.  We also listened to a mother whose 2 yr. old son, David, who was enrolled when the school first opened last September spoke about her experience as a parent. While speaking she seemed kind of choked up and expressed an immense amount of gratitude to the Academy for their efforts and she explained the remarkable strides her son was making as a student. That was probably my favorite part of the Open House…hearing a real story, we met David in the Toddler environment a little later, he is quite the Alpha male dancin around in his undies and crocs- hootin’ and a hollarn’ hello! with a big wave and smile.

After all the speaking,  the Open House attendees were given a tour of the facility. First the Toddler setting (14 mo-36 months) and then the Primary environment for the older children (2 1/2- 6 yrs.) While passing through the hallway, Jessica the Director of the Academy stopped briefly to point out and explain the children’s storage area for coats, extra clothes, etc…Chad pulls on my arm and points down the hallway corridor and there goes a red Radio Flyer Wagon with Arlin and two other little girls sitting tall in it, being pulled by another older little girl. Arlin looks our way with a big ole’ smile on his face, holding on tight and turns his head forward… ready to go!

For Papa and I, it was a special moment, solidifying our enrollment process. Arlin was ready for Montessori. Our little guy is growing up! It’s awesome to see how independent the Captain is. A confident young lad, not afraid to be away from us and explore his surroundings. We couldn’t ask for more as parents.

I’ll be nervous to drop Arlin off for his first day of school but at the same time I can’t wait to see what’s in store for him… and all the things he is going to learn from his guide and even more- the children his with on a daily basis.

A few details about the toddler setting, Arlin will be a part of…starting tomorrow morning!

  • Session begins at 8:30am Pick up is at 12pm
  • All toddler students wear cotton “undies” (a laundary service provided by the Academy)…and are potty training within the first week of enrollment (no more diapers Arlin!)
  • Yes, because they are potty training- they all wear “indoor shoes”- i.e.) “Crocs” or something of the like, shoes that can be pee’d on.. and then easily cleaned up :)
  • All toddlers drink out of real glasses (nope not plastic!) no sippy cups or straws for these tots!
  • They wash their drinking glasses and plates after snack time in the kitchen sink with soap and sponges, then dry them and return to their proper storage space.
  • They learn respect for others as well as working to together as a community.
  • Everything in the Toddler environment is built for people of 2 ft. stature…Yes, it’s like a mini real world where everything is at their eye level!
  • It’s all about the little details…small toilet, small tables, chairs, benches, brooms, sleeping cots, plants, chalkboard, pictures hung at the 2 ft. eye level, mini aprons, small basins and pitchers for washing hands, little kitchenette area for snack time setting and clean up…etc. it’s so darn cute!
  • There are no “toys” in the setting. Everything used to teach the students is considered purposeful to stimulate a real environment  for them to learn the use of everyday household items and many other educational/fine motor skills.
  • NO television or video watching.
  • The Academy strong discourages any outside distractions…we’ve been instructed to suit Arlin in plain attire- no distracting Logo’s or artwork on his clothing- ha…looks like I’ll be hitting Target for some plain tees!

I will try and remember to snap some pictures of the Captain tomorrow morning- but of course, I may be making a quick exit…so I’m not seen losing it! I can’t guarantee I won’t shed a tear.

Proud Mama, signing off…goodnight!

New Ride…

Sunday, January 4th, 2009


The Captain has been spoiled once again. Our good friends Alex and Lola dropped off this Christmas present for Arlin the other day. Chad put it together laughing the entire time and just how awesome it was. The Captain can get on and off with ease and does laps around the dining room table on his new race car….

Watch out Laguna Seca!…we’ve got a Russell Racing Junior on our hands. (Can’t you just picture a race car with a pirate Jack-Rackam flag decal smeared on the side of it!)