Archive for August, 2008

Cashmere Kicks…

Tuesday, August 26th, 2008

The cruiser. The crawler. Everywhere and into everything. If it’s not bolted down or nailed to the wall little man has captured it. Full flight of stairs with no hesitation…could care less where Mom is!

I let him climb as far as he wanted to go…following right behind with the camera, to the landing he went. (Geez looks like we need to invest in a few more baby gates.)

This past weekend Chad and I went shopping for shoes for the Captain. We found the ones his wearing int he pictures in a Cherry Creek boutique…
Yep, leave it to Chad to find something couture! These kicks are made by Gwen Stefani (the rock-star) her label is called LAMB…I’m not joking these shoes are hysterical, they say…

“Rollin’ in Cashmere”

in cursive writing down the side of em’….

Ahahha. I want a pair! They feel like slippers. They’re supposedly designed so that you don’t have to put socks on first…cause they’re really soft inside with no exposed Velcro or itchy stitching. Oh, gotta love Papa- only the best for his mini-me!

Sshhhh…the prince is sleeping.

Monday, August 25th, 2008

Oh, how I wish I could hold on to the feeling I have when I come home from derby practice and peek in to say my good nights and give the Captain a kiss.

Last night he was sleeping so peacefully. I couldn’t help help but giggle to see that he pulled off the end bumper and made it his body pillow. He is one clever little dude.

Arlin officially says three words…that you can identify easily. Ready…Mama, Dada, and dog! Seriously all three words, clear as mud.


Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

PBbbFFFtttt…..Not funny! Mama was wearing this afternoons lunch all over her face, hair and shirt, right after getting showered and dressed. Captain thought it was pretty funny till lunch time was ended short…the pictures don’t even begin to capture the mess this monster created!

I’m still finding splats of chicken and sweet potatoes!
It’s the new thing…waving to say Hi! and making fart noises with our mouth……’s usually pretty funny when we don’t have food in our mouth!

Note to Mama…never do a feeding before an evening out in formal attire. ha!

Big Boy!

Saturday, August 16th, 2008

Look at the Big Boy! He’s totally figured out the wave to say HI! and he does it all day long to anyone and everyone trying to get their attention…it works, he pretty much has everyone’s attention where ever we go. He’s quite the champ when it comes to getting out of his car seat. The minute I unlatch the safety buckle he rolls over and stands up…I just happened to have the camera in the car…speaking of car the new ride is pretty sweet! We’re looking at getting the windows tinted darker and some new rims.

Got Chicklets?

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time…trying to get a picture of the Captains two front teeth is next to impossible. Showing off the bottom two is an everyday occurrence with his squisshy face smile, but man those top two are a serious game of peek-a-boo. As you can see it wasn’t easy to snap these shots…I was laughing…and the Captain was laughing, but I don’t think he knew why we were laughing…had to be there, I suppose.

Get better Pamaw!

Saturday, August 9th, 2008

Thanks to Abby for snapping these shots of the little guys last time she watched Arlin, I think the week before I went to Vegas for RollerCon so I could get my hair done- geez it’s been awhile since I’ve taken some pictures of the Captain.
I think Grandma’s going crazy- She has no blogs to peek at over her morning cup of joe! uh oh…I’ll try to catch up and snap some pictures this week…promise!
Keep that foot up and rest grandma! We want you in tip top shape for your visit in October- cause the Captain might be walking for his first Birthday!