Archive for February, 2010

play pleeeease…

Friday, February 26th, 2010

Could you say “No” to this cute face? I catch myself pulling over for play time often these days. I figure as long as I don’t have any perishables from the grocery store in the car, we can afford a half an hour here or there to check out a park.

Unfortunately I’m at the mercy of Chad when it comes to uploading videos, this picture is actually a one minute video I took of Arlin saying everyones name…Mimi (airplane here- is what he says after Mimi), Mass-sir Sarge (sarge gets a half wing salute) and  Molly (Molly gets a big smile and he signs please and says my hommie- you ask Arlin is Molly your friend?….”yah I like Molly, she friend”) Uncle Roy, Vickieeee, Meeeeegin (Megan) Mama, Papa, Sissy (Sissy gets jumps up in the air when he says her name) Grandma and Grandpa (in Coloradoooo), Grandpa Tom (he always says; “yah,yah, mon-ser truck” after Grandpa Tom :))

He’s pointing for me to get on the merry go round with him here.

ladies at the grocery store were calling….hey Mr. Nine, aren’t you a cutie?!

Arlin says………R_A_W_R! and claw back at em’….he’s such a flirt it’s painful sometimes!

he’d climb a mountain if you’d let him…

trying to escape…

“is wet Mama!”…”down please, Mama?”

he made me come up and carry him down…I did.

I have to say although I am sometimes (like a lot of times) completely worn out by this guy and his terrible two’s….his whole “No” stage he seems to be relishing…he’s terrible with me, and with Chad (it’s our payback for all our childhood naughtiness I suppose) but Arlin is an angel- o.k. maybe “angel” is a stretch…but I hear he is just a happy go lucky, agreeable guy. At least that’s the feedback my Uncle Roy gave us. It makes me feel good that Arlin feels secure enough to stay with other family and friends while we are away…..cause he knows deep down we’re coming right back! Thank you Roy and Vickie ( and Auntie Molly) for taking such good care of the Captain!

food in my belly…

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

Aw, it’s good to be back home with the Captain…A few days away is awesome, but Chad and I both started getting the Arlin itch, it just feels funny not waking him up in the morning. These pictures are lunch time after a morning at his new day care/school.

I couldn’t figure out why he was holding his shirt up… until I caught him spoon feeding mini meatballs to his belly button… When I asked him what he was doing….he said,

“Dat food n’ me Belly!”

Oh he makes me laugh…

love bug

Monday, February 15th, 2010

happiness is boxes and cards full of love on Valentines Day.

card from Grandpa and Grandma Larsen…

his new pal, luv monkey from Mimi, and his…”trrrrruck!”

(like his new kicks? Mama’s v-day present to the captain. I found out the founder of “See Kai Run“, my favorite shoes to buy Arlin, lives right down the street from us!)

a new hoody from Mimi- it fits perfectly and he looks pretty hipster in it… Chad said he wants one in big boy size!

from Mama and Papa…gotta have cool puddle jumpers!

oh the fun!…to be encouraged to jump and stomp around in the massive pool of water…life couldn’t get any better for Arlin Jack.

rain, snow or shine, the Captain would say “plaaaaaay pr-ease!”

Seattle fishies…

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

We took Arlin to the Seattle Aquarium on Sunday. I just love this picture… Arlin’s attention span is I suppose what you’d expect a two year olds to be…he couldn’t stand at any one exhibit for more than seconds it seemed like. And we did a lot of sprint walking to keep tabs on him.

you can definitely tell he likes the new house, he’s much more vocal and there are few times he’s not singing and playing or chasing the dog and getting into trouble!

we’ve toured three local parks in the neighborhood so far and have a few more mapped out.

this crazy swing was at the park we were at this morning, I don’t know if it was a handicap swing or what? but there was really no one at the park so I strapped him in for some fun.

little man on a mission…geez he’s got some REAL tude’ lately. I’m hoping it’s the terrible two’s thing and with a routine in the works he gets back to the Arlin Jack I’m so proud of.

not quite big enough for this digger contraption but determined nonetheless.

I found a part time Montessori “influenced” drop in care for a few hours a day three times a week, Chad and I are touring it tomorrow morning, I’m anxious it’s a fit, cause the kiddo is going stir crazy with just me (and a few park kids here and there) to socialize with.

book hunt…

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

My all time favorite book from when I was little (my Mom somehow knew to save it) it’s now Arlin’s favorite book. He LOVES to find Goldbug on each page…and for being 2years old he sometimes amazes me….he can often find Goldbug before I can!

I’m debating whether to order these online or set off to search Seattle book stores (cause there are a-LOT of them) and try and find these additional Richard Scarry’s publications.

this one above is a must…

And randomly this morning I turned on the local Seattle kids station and they have a cartoon based on Richard Scarry’s books! Crazy eh? These books were published in the early 70′s, my mom thinks they might have been my brothers books first. If you haven’t heard of them you should check em’ out, they are so detailed they keep the kiddies coming back.

warm welcome…

Monday, February 1st, 2010

Just walking by a Seattle fire engine Arlin Jack was invited right in to sit in the Captain’s seat…

I’d say the water…”where Nemo lives” according to Arlin and the seagulls and pigeons (rats with wings) oh and can’t forget the airplanes have been more than enough excitement this past week! I took him to the Renton airport and we sat on a side street and the commercial rumbled for take off right over our heads….he thought is was pretty cool! I’d say Arlin is adapting well, although his daily routine is off, like completely off… we’re trying hard to get back on track with big boy potty habits and sleep, naps are the next thing on my list to work on, cause without Arlin’s nap time- nobody can be happy!