Archive for April, 2010

Trucker Talk…

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Can you tell I’m proud of myself for learning how to upload videos all by myself???

I snuck up to capture this video, before dinner time…there was no training/coaching for him to say “master sarge”…he just does. His little .25 cent army men-one with a broken off leg are still right in line with kitty for being his favorite playmates. And he is still convinced Master Sarge is buying him a race car for Chriss-mas!

strong muscles and the crow…

Saturday, April 24th, 2010

Arlin Jack…after a fresh hair cut…realizing he’s one, wearing a short sleeve shirt (not an everyday thing)… two, how strong his muscles are, three, he has Papa’s tool and four the crow took his cookie to the “trash truck!” I wish I was a video camera constantly capturing Arlin’s story telling…it never stops! It’s like the light switch has been turned on upstairs, he’s getting it, totally capable of carrying on conversations with Chad and I…it makes some of the terrible two stuff tolerable :)

goin’ joggin’

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

sweet shoes you got there buddy.

and check out them p.j.’s…

gonna watch some nascar on the tube?

Papa was wondering how he’s shoes always seemed a little too tight the next morning,


one, two, free…

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

Today while sitting next to me as I drew the fire truck in his “doodle book“. We’ve got counting to ten down but were still working on our colors! Hopefully his not color blind like his Papa ;)

my silly partner…

Friday, April 9th, 2010

silly exercise 4.3
Arlin Jack is the perfect partner for the online art class I’m taking by Carla Sonheim…the workshop is titled…”the Art of Silliness” and well what better partner could there be to be silly with?!

These eyeballs were a cut out, and an exercise to be creative with placement and photo taking/sharing.


Arlin’s been all about having his “own” everything…including a camera, so I found an old underwater camera from our vacation to Florida way back when…this is Arlin with eyeballs taped to the front, telling me to “smile!”

today we went on a photo-op scavenger hunt around the neighborhood today, because it was sunny and in the mid 50′s…absolutely beautiful! I love how the forecast reads rain everyday…it might rain for 5 or 10 minutes a day and then it’s sunny!

we found all kinds of creature inspiring photos to snap…

Arlin was pretty intrigued by these guys…but Mama, the stickler, wouldn’t let him touch…

“we…explore Mama!” is what he kept saying.

and we were having lots of fun…

till his trike wheel fell off, bolts and all…about three blocks from home. Arlin wanted me to carry his trike and him…no way jose, you’re a big boy, you walk. He’s been wanting me to carry him everywhere, and although it saves time when trying to get from point A to point B…I’m trying to save my poor back, and lately my knee…cause this chunker is a hefty load!

Gasworks Park…

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

IMG_1304Captain trouble…boy oh boy is a good thing this guy’s so darn cute!

We drove Mimi to the airport last Tuesday. Arlin and I both drove away with crocodile size tears. Arlin kept saying airplane…get on airplane…go Mimi…Mama, airplane…go with Mimi. I asked him if he wanted to go home with Mimi and he said “yes, mama, go with Mimi, pleeease, I get on dah airplane!” Saying goodbye stinks, I wish everyone we loved was right here in Seattle.


Seattle, and every surrounding neighborhood is simply amazing. This place is really beautiful with the blue water and green lush landscaping things are pretty colorful.

and your tour guide today folks, is Mr. Arlin Jack Larsen…step right up and get your tickets!

(at Gasworks park with Mimi and Uncle Roy…)

Arlin digs he’s Uncle Roy…(great uncle Roy actually :))

maybe one day we’ll be lucky enough to have our own boat, wouldn’t that be sweet?

king(s) of the hill.

I say over and over Arlin Jack has horns, and can be a little devil at times, but I need to brag of his growing vocab too! I swear it’s like he wakes up each morning with a handful of new words he didn’t say the day before. He formulates sentences and uses the proper words in context….it’s so COOL! I know every parent thinks their child is bright…but man I tell ya, this kids noggin’ size just might mean something!

I’m proud. Proud Mama, even when he’s horns are out…he’s my guy!