Archive for March, 2010

the builder…

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

Thanks to Renee (Arlin’s new teacher) we’re able to peep in on the Captain in action.

Arlin spends three mornings a week at school with his new buddies; Max, Peter, Trevor and Ruby. He loves to stack wooden blocks and build his legos into robots or airplanes. He’ll stack them as high as he can reach ‘em, and when they tumble he’ll start all over…lots of determination in this little guy!

Arlin playing with gears.

School is going well for Arlin he really likes the play time and interaction with the other students. It seems like his vocabulary is blossoming daily…when you least expect it he bursts out with something new, it’s pretty cool!

Palmer Sioux! Lala!

Saturday, March 13th, 2010

Arlin is counting to four thanks to Feist…We’re working on 1-10 and he’s doing pretty good, but finding songs to sing along with seems to help him…

and how funny is this Elmo (lala)Potty song! Chad and I had Arlin dancing this morning while we all sang along, Chad was on the ground laughing at the last line of the video…SO true, Arlin Jack can stink up the stinker pretty darn good!

Molly= Arlin’s hommie

Friday, March 12th, 2010

and another one…

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

I uploaded this all by myself!

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

Who needs Papa! Ha. Just kidding…but he finally showed me how to upload them from you tube, but I still have no clue how to make them all fancies in i-movie…anyways, look at the lower lip action!!! Video was taken in January- about a week before we moved out.

Aqua Tot

Monday, March 8th, 2010

We joined a new gym…(I’ll write about it on my blog) the place is amazing! I took Arlin to an AquaTot class for kiddies ages 6 months to 3.5 yrs old, Saturday morning. I figure living with water everywhere around us and a fearless boy on our hands we better be safe and get him acclimated to the water with some lessons, maybe instill a little fear in him (just a little)

waiting for the instructor, Arlin was excited about his new swim shirt we picked up on the way to the gym and he was ever so anxious to get in the water.

he wasn’t quite sure about jumping in without already having a (death grip) hold of my arms…

The instructor helped me with floating Arlin on both his tummy, his back, kicking, blowing bubbles like a motor boat/face half in, counting to three and dunking under water (yah, he did not like this) even after I asked him over and over if he wanted to go underwater where Nemo and Dori go, and he said “yes! yes! Yes!….he came up horrified with the how could you Mama! look on his face- not exactly a happy camper with that part of the lesson…but give him the kick board and he’s good to go again.

hand on kick board…he thought it was the coolest thing ever.

teaching him to reach…and trust Mama with floating him on his belly.

back to the kick board…he would have stayed in forever, even though he was cold and had a lower lip jitter going on, forget the other exercises and songs- Arlin wanted no part of the group or other babies….just the kick board (oh, and Mama too)

this little guy next to Arlin is 3yrs. old. I don’t know how many times I got asked how old Arlin was, followed by “Oh…is he big?”

Actually according to his patient chart I ordered from his pediatrician’s office back in Denver says his not “big”…he’s right on track with the average percentile.

He’s just Italian and LOVES food just like his Papa! Arlin has been so adventurous with eating lately- it’s actually fun to take him out- he’ll eat whatever we do- the other day he devoured shrimp pad thai with me! It was kinda spicy too!

P.S. Arlin asks to go to the water every morning now…I think he’s gonna be a fish just like his Mama and his big sister Stella- who we can’t wait to see in a couple weeks!

where’s the mute button?

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

I kept saying to Arlin today…”Jamaican- me CRAZY!”

His shirt fit the phrase… this kid has some ferocious energy lately!