Bermuda days…


lathered up in sun-tan lotion and ready to play!


rockin’ his new bermudas…the swim trunks we had were a bit snug!


Boy oh boy it’s been HOT here…like 90′s hot…but we know how to splash some water and make a mess in the backyard!


trying to get Mama!

The quiet days are over…the Captain is a talker let me tell you. He’s like a 3 ft. tall parrot! Repeating E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G you say, literally all of it. Looks like Papa and I need to watch our potty mouths! We had a great weekend visiting with family from New York, Arlin and Stella not only got to spend some time at Grandma and Grandpa’s but they finally got to meet their baby cousin; Miss Tess! She’s adorable and such an easy going baby, Arlin hasn’t stopped saying “B-A-B-Y” and peeking in the pack-n-play since they left!


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