second set…


and we’re not even 2yr.old yet!  Oh, lord help me!


walking out the front door for school Thursday morning, the Captain biffed it knocking his noggin on the door jam. Second time around my heart was in my throat. Calm, cool, collected was all I could think….at least try anyways.


at the pediatricians office. We waited anxiously for the next available Doctor, what a challenge to keep injured Jack entertained in an all white room!


after exhausting everything packed in the diaper bag I finally let him have at the treatment room, I figured the nurses had to understand he was going stir crazy after 45 minutes! Arlin Jack found great interest in the step stool, he must have taken the caster wheels off and on 50 times! He’s pretty smart.


it was worth the wait and then some! Yay! Otter Pops! Arlin was such a champ when they flushed his cut out and glue stitched him up the doctor and nurse were amazed at how well he laid still and he didn’t fuss one bit! I was super proud of him.


this was the Captain’s first popsicle experience….and hmm was it good! He was so excited when the nurse handed it to him he couldn’t hardly stand himself we both giggled all the way out of the office and finally Mama could breathe again. I definitely think I was more bruised than Arlin over this morning mishap.

Moments after the popsicle was consumed the Captain was crashed out…

One Response to “second set…”

  1. Pamaw Says:

    That must be one tough noggin! Let’s hope this glue job is as good as the previous one.

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