
I am SO proud right now and so is Papa …tonight Arlin Jack met a huge milestone.

He went “poo-poo” on the potty!!! Yep, he sure did.

I was helping him get undressed for bath time and he told me he had to go poo-poo. I took his diaper off and he walked right over to his potty and sat down…he started saying poo-poo over and over again, I surely thought we were just going through the motions like we do everyday and nothing happens… but today was the big day!

For anyone that doesn’t have kids, it’s o.k. you can say geez…thanks for sharing. But for those with kiddies, you know… this is huge! My guy’s only 22 months old…and we’re headed towards being potty trained! Wooo Hooo!!!

Chad and I were so excited we did a poo-poo dance (oh to be a fly on the wall in our house!) and we gave him a cookie, he looked at us like we were crazy but he liked the idea of getting a treat, I just hope he remembers tomorrow…


One Response to “BIG BOY!!!”

  1. abby Says:

    yey for you! we are really starting the process, since he refuses to lay down and have a diaper changed so i’ve been taking him in and sitting him down and the whole 9. . . arlin is advanced!

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