
Little man on a mission…
chasing after “Hawkins” the sheepdog.

We made it to the park yesterday…It was nice to let Arlin burn some of that energy allowing a peaceful afternoon nap. Boy how Mama loves nap time! It’s when everything magically gets accomplished.
I have to pick up more safety latch locks, before I lose my mind. It’s a constant battle with emptying the contents out of the kitchen island. I’ll be washing the dishes and before you know it Arlin is dragging around a huge fry pan chasing after the dog. He loves to mess with Otis, always stealing his bones!
Papa came home late last night…Arlin was tickled pink to have breakfast with him this morning.

One Response to “Hawkins…”

  1. team woelfel Says:

    ya now palmer can get into the top drawers in the kitchen! oh my goodness!

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