Harvard Gulch Park…

Chad and I took the Captain over to Harvard Gulch Park Sunday to blow off some energy… hoping it would tucker him out enough to get a good afternoon nap in so Mama could hit the Thanksgiving sale at Macy’s. And sure enough it worked like magic!

Chad and I were laughing, Arlin’s “Silly Bear” Pooh hat looks like a vintage football helmet…(not gonna be picking up the ladies wearing this number!) Arlin fits right in at the park, with NO fear he takes off down any size slide head first on his back or on his tummy. In the picture above, I was afraid to let him go- but he couldn’t be bothered with Mama’s help.

However, being Captain cool on the slides in front of the 14 month old twin girls he still has yet to figure out eating the bark at the park is for babies- Big boys don’t eat bark!

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