Pushin’ thru the week…


learning to brush our teeth…Um, has been one challenging adventure!


we’re at least going through the daily routine now with only a few melt downs…but I’d be fibbin’ if I told you I was finished with the “vice” grip head lock to get the upper front four teeth! Man is my guy strong!


this is the Captain smiling as he sucks the “bubblegum” flavored toothpaste off the brush…it’s the Captain’s version of brushing his teeth…he stands at the faucet, wets his tooth brush and then slurps the water off it. And he does this over and over again. It’s funny till your in a hurry and the Captain is standing there soaking wet, not to mention the water he’s managed to splash everywhere!…I’ve never done so much laundry or gone through so many bottles of windex cleaner in my entire life.


Captain had a tummy ache after school today. Along with a slight fever (cutting more molars-yay-not!) It was super warm again today, so I let him cruise around the house in his diaper and tee…before bath time. Looking forward to summertime, he’s so darn cute with no shoes on, stompin’ around the kitchen.


Captain wanted to be held the majority of the afternoon. I can kind of be a push over when it comes to giving him a little extra t.l.c if I know his not feeling well.


Arlin after his bath time carried this violin case (Papa’s from when he was 3yrs.old) which isn’t exactly lightweight, he was so determined to get the locks undone…then he’d stop and just stand on it?! frustrated our we Captain?


cracker break.


BOOKS!…Yes, we are finally into books! And he’ll actually sit for me to read them aloud to him. Yay, this makes Mama very happy…


he picks out the book then climbs up onto my lap…


Story time before bed every night…at least that’s what we’re shooting for!


One Response to “Pushin’ thru the week…”

  1. abby Says:

    dude they must have the same thing. palmer totally want’s me to hold him hold him hold him. poor little guys! hopefully everyone is feeling better soon!

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