Post #190!

Geez time is flying. I remember when Arlin Jack was just a tiny little guy in a car seat I could carry everywhere. And he’d sleep all the time. Turning into a toddler! Sometimes we bypass nap time and were getting ready for potty training at home…yikes.


Scoped out a new park and a new running route for Mama…it’s over by 4 mile park (I think)


So much free grass space, he didn’t know what to do with himself!


walking down to the water to see the duckies…


lots of duckies! Arlin…”Can you say “duck”?” His vocabulary is simply short of amazing. All you have to do is ask him…can you say and the words keep coming!


luckily I was paying attention…this is the Captain going for it…just going to lay down in the pond and swim merrily with the duckies!??


No, really he wanted in the water!


we played on the playground for a bit after the duckies got a bit aggressive wanting more bread, which we ran out of.


my handsome Jack.


all about the sand, in handfuls…

I snapped all these pictures Wednesday afternoon. We’re housebound now, the weather is icky. Some snow, and a lot of rain…and it’s COLD. At least the Captain got to go to the gym with me this morning and play in the kids play area, he likes it there, lots to do with other kids of all ages.


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