Hanging with Jack…


rockin’ his new hat we got him for school. I’m trying to make them “cool” and tell him his a “big” boy when he wears them so it’s not putting up a fight to get him to wear one this summer…we have to protect the CHEEKS!


In and out…up and down…still hasn’t lost it’s luster (if only it worked)


why so serious A.J.?


Come on…Mom!


This is becoming a regular…Wai!..no- not the pacifier! Arlin Jack is cutting his two incisors, and he’s had some rough patches, he’ll actually go into the drawer and sneak his pac-ee. But I’ll only let it slide when I know he is really uncomfortable. But Otis and the Captain…their becoming best buds. Otis is sooo good with Arlin. 

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