Archive for the ‘Being goofy’ Category

playin’ stinky

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

remember when Jack-o-potty mouse was this teeny?

this was his first Halloween…he was only 3 weeks old.

then Mama had fun with the scissors 2 yrs. later and did this to the skunk costume…

yes- I modified a newborn size costume to fit my head scary I know!

Well cleaning out our storage room Arlin got a real kick out of finding the skunk cap…take a lookIMG_4022IMG_4021IMG_4020

He was having fun being a ham for the camera until he realized there was pink on the ribbon tie…”off ! I want it off Mama!”

alright alright…

trips down memory lane (already!)


Monday, March 14th, 2011

Wow, my hat tips off to Mr. Josh the 3year old kids soccer coach for last Friday’s practice. Seriously I have no idea how he managed…talk about controlled chaos! And I mean controlled because they were in an auditorium with four walls and the door shut….there were balls flying every which way you looked…littles blind siding each other, crying, runny noses, pushing….you name it.

But it was fun…

And Arlin loves soccer! It’s perfect timing for sports to start too…been a little cooped up with the weather lately…a good time to blow off some jitter bugs and get those legs ah shakin’!

That’s coach Josh (buddy Ben’s Papa)

that’s Ben with his arm around Arlin…too cute!

Trying to decide on a team name with a group of 3 yr olds was fun to watch…Josh ended up picking the “Rockets!”

if they’d had it their way they would have be the spiders, or the spidermans, or the batmans! ha.


I dont’ know who was more bummed his soccer shoes didn’t get here in time for Arlin’s first soccer practice- him or his Papa!


Arlin and Ben behind him…

soccer practice

Coach Josh showing how to kick the ball…

soccer practice

My little soccer star. He makes me so proud. He got a treat after practice- which he chose Chocolate milk…

“I want the one with the cow on it Mama!” (the horizon box milks) O.k. buddy let’s go get you a chocolate milk.

He stunk when I went to latch him in his car seat…he was all sweaty with his “huge” new soccer jersey on…made me realize this is just the beginning of sports and “stinky” boy things….am I ready I thought to myself???

I’m ready!


Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

Never in a million years did I know I’d win the Mother of the year award by buying Jackers “Spiderman” underwear last week….I mean “under-roos” as Jackers calls em’!

We had a little melt down when I told him that I had to wash them first before he could wear them. I explained when he woke up in the morning they’d be all washed and ready to wear to school. A good hour or so after I put him to bed I could hear him talking, I peeked my head into his room…

“Hi, Mom. I’m just telling Kitty about my new Spiderman under-oos”

Oh, o.k. nite nite buddy.

First thing in the morning….I’m waken by a naked guy…

“I’m ready for my Spiderman under-oos Mom!”



We might have a little separation anxiety building up. It’s not good enough that we wear a pair of spiderman under-oos…we have to carry the other two pair around the house with us.

Mmmhmm, yep this is snack time after nap…he came out of his room with two pair clinched in his fist and Kitty under his arm.

“I’m gonna put the Spidermans right here Mom…O.k.? Right here next to me.”

Earlier that morning in the car on the way to preschool the conversation went something like this….

“Jacker’s… I know you’re really excited about your new Spiderman underwear but Mama doesn’t want you to show anyone your under-oos.. K? You can talk about ‘em and tell your friends about your special powers but leave your pants on K buddy?!”

It’s funny right?! I’m totally worried my kids gonna break out an improv peep show in his morning preschool class….!

He did run right into his classroom hollering he was Spiderman…”I have super powers!”

I forewarned his teachers about his uber excitement…his daily reports have confirmed he’s enthusiasm is still thriving!


We went to Ikea over the weekend…and I think he managed to tell everyone that walked past our cart that he was wearing Spiderman under-roos. Funny right?

try exhausting, oh lord help me!

I’m gonna have to make another trip to target to buy more underwear, because he refuses to wear any other kind!


Tuesday, January 11th, 2011





fort built in room?




Doesn’t look like it in this picture but we were having loads of fun with Auntie Molly over the other night…we built a fort on top of Arlin’s bed and got out the headlamps and glowsticks left here by Master Sarge…and had some fun in the dark!

pirate Arrrrrrrlin Jack

Saturday, December 11th, 2010


After school the other day…wearing Stella’s jeweled eye patch I made her for Halloween a couple years back and his new rain boots (with Otis’ on them) walking the plank (up and down our hallway) hollaring;

“ARGH MaTeY….me name is Captain ArrRRrrLin JACK!!!”

stick em’ up…

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

this is what happens when you forget the book you gave him to read after dinner has a secret stash of stickers in the back!

“Look Mama!”

then he hollers….”Sticker Power!”

If you notice he’s got his fist out but no pointer fingers…I’ve been trying to teach him it’s rude to point at people…so he points to things he wants and me with his fist closed…it’s pretty funny actually.

summer is still here…

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

Summer is still here. We’re still busy and YES, I’m still taking pictures of Jacker pants, just finding time to blog them is another story.

IMG_0990trip to Ikea play zone and lunch with Mama

only a face a mother could love (or everyone else in the world!)

he built this all on his own. who said you couldn’t build rome in a day?

“the dozer help us mama!”

lounging in buddy Ben’s pool

in buddy Ben’s sister-Taylor’s pink inner-tube.

the escapee! Yes, we lock Jacker’s in his room, with a big boy bed (freedom) there’s trouble to get into!

Arlin gets a sucker for eating all his sushi (and half of mine!)


now this is a face only a mother could love!

Arlin starts his new PreSchool for the Arts Sept. 7th!!! YIPEE! Mama is counting down the days. We’re very excited about this new program close to our house. And thrilled to be getting Jackers back to a similar school schedule/routine (five days a week) like he was on back in Denver. He’ll for sure miss his buddies at the Cove but it’s time to plant some roots in a full time program with a few more tots.

happy fourth-o-july…

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

After a 4.5 mile family run!!! (So, exciting Papa is running with Mama!) We headed over to the Lake Union annual Boat Festival to show Arlin some pirate ships…he thought they were really cool, but didn’t quite understand why he couldn’t play the role of the”Captain” himself.


It was a first for both Arlin and Papa to see a handful of different boats at the festival (being a California kid, I forget that a lot of people don’t easily have the opportunity to see these types of boats)


the weather was gorgeous and with the sun out till almost 10pm days are FULL!


Dinner at Circa, a local pub by the house after the festival…Arlin says…”You talkin’ to me?” (wearing Mama’s glasses)


instead of a weekend get away to Gearhart which we thought would have been really nice-we opt’ed to stay home for the holiday weekend and save the money instead. However, we made a small splurge and treated ourselves to a barbecue grill for the balcony (nothing too fancy) and Chad made us our yummy jalapeno burgers…along with the barbecue, Arlin scored this new t-ball set. The boys have had some real  fun with it….


of course Arlin had to pause and adjust his baseball cap every three seconds…it must be backwards! Don’t know who could have shown him this fashion sense? (papa!):)


looking for the ball. He actually whacked one outta their “playing field”

**This weekend also marked the Captain’s graduation from his baby crib to his “big boy” bed. I know, a little late, but finally the piece to convert his crib was discovered in the garage from the move…We made a big deal out of it, got out a special “pirate” themed blanket Mimi made hung his pirate flag up on his door.

First night:


EPIC fail.

These are pictures of us sneaking in to capture the mischievous behavior. There were lots of noises coming from his bedroom! He managed to pull all the blankets and stuffed animals out of trundle drawer below his bed.


Getting the business from Papa. See the snow mittens on the bed?! I’m telling you he had everything pulled out! (I’ve since gotten smarter and put all these things up in his closet where he can’t reach them:))

Ugh, the first night was a looooong one. At about 2am the Captain awoke, seemed he was a little lost sailing his ship…crying for Mama…he ended up sleeping in our bed-keeping everyone awake with his paranoia of the smoke detector light on the ceiling?!

Arlin:” ’twas dat Mama? Do you see somp-thin’??! Look at dat Mama!”

Mama & Papa: “GO TO BED ARLIN JACK!!!”

Second night- we brainstormed a plan to out smart the Captain’s new found freedom and we put up a doggie gate in his door way and “kid proofed” his room the best we could. It worked, I think he figured if he can’t bug us, he might as well sleep in his bed…

He did wake up with a pile of books in his bed…Can’t be upset about that! :)

Hope everyone had a fun fourth of July!

buddy Ben…

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Meet Captain’s new buddy…Ben, he’ll be 3yr. in November, he’s a happy little guy.


Ben lives two doors down from our house…Arlin thinks he’s pretty fun to play with.


..this is the two of them in the alley riding Arlin’s gear….I think Ben thought he hit the jackpot when he saw all of Arlin’s wheels in the garage. It’s good practice for Arlin’s “sharing” :)


Meet Arlin’s new hair cut…this is what happens when Mama looks away for more toys to entertain-because he won’t stand still….yep within two seconds El Capy-tain had the guard off Papa’s buzzer and whacked a big chunk of his bangs off…I sniveled with a few tears as I buzzed the rest of his hair off to match his handy work. I guess I should find humor he actually did it on Summer Solstice, maybe it’s his way of celebrating summertime is here. Now he really looks like Papa’s mini me!

I tell ya’ we 100% boy here. We have two healing boo boo’s on both of his elbows from massive wipe outs. “He who runs with sticks” that’s his new Indian name incase you were wondering. Everything he can find is turned into some type of jousting sword…the vacuum cleaner extension pieces, the bubble maker wand…you name it.

He’s been a trouble maker today…and Mama is feeling tired because of it.

potty time=party time…

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

I had to. Saw these “camp fire” oversized marshmellows at the grocery store and I did a very bad thing…I bought the bag. I thought to myself “how cool would this size marshmellow be for a yummy reward for going potty on the toilet at school??!”

Yes, they are HUGE, like the size of a closed fist huge…when I realized it was gonna take two air tight storage containers to house these bad boys…I thought, “W-O-W that’s a lot of sugar I’m gonna just gonna hand over to my kid”…

but I did it anyways…
IMG_0872 At first…he scowled at it…I honestly don’t even think he knew what it was, then quickly he said “Marshmellow Mum?!”
Arlin Jack- marshmellow

Nom! Nom!

happy, happy, joy, joy……..

until Mama stops off at the store to run an errand on the way home from school and finds this happy face covered in slimy what’s left of an attacked marshmellow…and a boy who’s NOT so “mellow”? Omg….it was a train wreck. He was beside himself, covered in white goo…it was E-v-e-r-y-where, all over his face, his hands, his tee shirt, his shorts, the car seat, and ALL over the window! Yes, he finger painted the back seat window with marshmellow goo…just lovely!
I suppose I deserve it, right? I mean what was I thinking?! I didn’t even once think to turn around in the car while he was eating it…we were singing and having a gay old time all the way  to the store… or so I thought…Poor kid was a wreck, after wet wipe mayhem I decided to take Arlin Jack into the store with me…

yet another bad idea.

We left, after getting what we needed. Not even out of the parking lot the Captain was fast asleep.

I totally felt bad…I totally just knocked my kid out with a sugar high!?