On the Move…

Grandma made Captain Jack the cutest darn bath towel I’ve ever seen! We use it all the time, Arlin thinks it’s pretty funny when I hold him up in front of the bathroom mirror and he can see himself with the frog on top his head.

He’s on the move I tell ya!… Tomorrow Chad and I are going to go “safety” shopping for the house. We need desperately to get the cabinet hook locks- cause little man has quite the reach from his walker- he loves to open cabinets and pull everything out!

Accomplishments this week- Arlin Jack cut the first upper front tooth. And the second one is peeking out- almost ready for the grand entrance. Chad & I call them the “chicklets”…cause if you ever seen chicklet gum…these are gonna be quite the pearly whites!
The captain has also officially grasped the concept of the sippy cup- he loves pear juice, and boy does he grunt like crazy when it’s all gone!

One Response to “On the Move…”

  1. Adrielle Says:

    Adorei achei muito interessante!!!
    visite meu blog.


    Beijos e abraços!!!

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