Archive for the ‘Bath time!’ Category


Saturday, December 19th, 2009


Check out my NEW p.j.s!!!


who needs a shirt?


have you got your tickets??? to the Arlin Jack gun show?!


think there’s any food in that belly?


C-A-R-S!!! We’ve had melt downs…we must wear the Car pajamas to bed, or there’s just no sleeping, must wear the cars, and of course have kitty by our side.

These pajamas are pretty cool, they were made just for Arlin Jack by Grandma Shelly, thank you!


Tuesday, October 6th, 2009










Rockin’ his new Birthday pajama’s a present from his buddy Salvador. I was surprised to see my little Captain fill out a size 3T so well, although I shouldn’t be surprised considering this guy’s appetite! What shall he be for Halloween? Is the big question! Taking suggestions…..saw an awesome shark costume at Pottery Barn Kids…but I just can’t justify $59.99 for a one day event….maybe I can make him one??

when Mama’s beyond tired…

Monday, September 14th, 2009


getting the Captain ready for bed… two sausages in one casing…just doesn’t work!


but we sure did get a good laugh out of it. All three of us.


Yeah…Mama needs to learn to call it quits when she’s over tired. After this episode she sliced her finger open on her rotary blade fabric cutter. Ouch!


Wednesday, February 25th, 2009


my little scientist.


who needs toys when you have boxes…and…


Infant Motrin syringe?!


This picture probably captures today’s day.

Lots of screaming (he screams like a girl when he’s upset- that high pitch shriek) Ugh it hurts. Mama’s not going to fib- I desperately broke out the Motrin this afternoon. After a scream session at the grocery store and all the way home in the car I not only broke down and gave him some Motrin but his pacifier too. Even with his pacifier he walked around the house screaming at everything while pulling his own hair. Otis wanted nothing to do with the Captain today and stayed out in the back yard-kinda funny I wanted to join him. I tried everything I could do to distract him from whatever was bugging him. I’m pretty sure it’s his teeth. I think I can see his incisor teeth poking through…It’s gotta be his teeth because he was a mess this afternoon and up almost every hour last night!


Bath time can always wash away the icky’s… most of the time…


Bubble fascination…he loves to eat them.


O.k. I got one big smile today, maybe even a couple…knowing the Captain.

Whew, today was a little rough. I picked up the Captain at school after getting a phone call that another student in his toddler environment bit him on the fore-arm. Ouch buddy. It wasn’t terribly bad, no blood…but you can defintely see a bite mark. This is the third incident report in the past week for biting- I guess it’s a thing at this age they do? I’m just hoping Arlin doesn’t join in.

Better day tomorrow- I can feel it!

For Papa…

Monday, February 9th, 2009

Just an F.Y.I. I’m posting tonight against my will. I cannot tell you how my heart aches when I look at these pictures of my poor little guys face. But Papa is out of town and a little home sick…he asked me please please post some pics of my little dude so I can see him! (they chatted earlier on the phone- it was pretty cute.)




snackin’ on some peas…healthy guy.


the song goes….”Brush, brush…Brush! Big boys brush their teeth!”


I guess Big Boys brush their hair too…ha.

Papa…we love you and miss you. Have fun working in Chicago and call us in the mornin’!

Boo boo…

Sunday, January 18th, 2009


handsome Jack…& those baby blues!


curious george…always reaching for the camera…you have to be quick!


I love this picture…it’s like “Mooommm!!!” stop taking pictures of me!”

So, we got our first “real” boo boo at school on Friday. Arlin Jack accidentally took out the corner of a table with his mouth/cheek.  The school called right away and left me a message about the accident. However, I was rocking out to music while running on the treadmill and I didn’t get the voice mail notification until after Chad has already gone and picked him from school at noon. At that point I was at the hair salon getting a cut and color.

My heart was literally in my throat when I heard the voice mail (I was such a bad Mama for not getting the voice mail!)  Of course,  I immediately dialed Chad (like 15 times) to get him on the phone for the run down of what happened. I was so ready to leave  my hair appointment. Chad called me right back and told me there was no need to worry- he’s a boy babe- I think those are the words he used. :)

Thank gosh my little guy is tough as nails! He took the spill, cried a little and then kept on truckin’.

Jessica the director of Bergamo Academy, called us early Saturday afternoon to check in and see how Arlin was doing. I was impressed.

Man, am I in for some serious heart palpitations over the next ten years of boyhood and growing up or what?!

Pirate Ducky!

Monday, September 8th, 2008

On our way home from camping, the in-laws, Chad and I stopped in a town called Idaho Springs. I’ve always wanted to stop and see what this little mountain town was about every time we drove by it on our way to Vail and Copper Mountain.

We had dinner at a Sicilian restaurant that Chad’s parents recommended- the food was fabulous! After dinner we went on a hunt for chocolate- Chad lost a bet and owed his mom some good chocolate. On our hunt we went in a gift shop and found the “Pirate Ducky”!!! It was so darn cute I had to buy it. It’s Arlin’s new favorite bath toy. And you can see by the third picture from the top…he’s got the pirate’s favorite letter all figured out………….


On the Move…

Saturday, July 26th, 2008

Grandma made Captain Jack the cutest darn bath towel I’ve ever seen! We use it all the time, Arlin thinks it’s pretty funny when I hold him up in front of the bathroom mirror and he can see himself with the frog on top his head.

He’s on the move I tell ya!… Tomorrow Chad and I are going to go “safety” shopping for the house. We need desperately to get the cabinet hook locks- cause little man has quite the reach from his walker- he loves to open cabinets and pull everything out!

Accomplishments this week- Arlin Jack cut the first upper front tooth. And the second one is peeking out- almost ready for the grand entrance. Chad & I call them the “chicklets”…cause if you ever seen chicklet gum…these are gonna be quite the pearly whites!
The captain has also officially grasped the concept of the sippy cup- he loves pear juice, and boy does he grunt like crazy when it’s all gone!

hotel bath…

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

This is “monkers”(his new nickname lately-don’t ask how) first bath in a sink. I got some shots he’ll probably kill me for when he is older, but Mommy had to do it! I simply couldn’t resist capturing these ever so “portly” shots! hahaha


Monday, December 17th, 2007

Rub-a Dub-Dub…in the Tub!

It’s bath time!

I love kicking my feet in the tub!