Uncle Joel snapshots…

I promised Uncle Joel to post these pictures he captured on his phone when we hung out the Friday before the 4th of July. Uncle Joel babysat Arlin Jack so Chad and I could have a nice lunch out and enjoy a sunny afternoon! Thanks Joel!


…”speed fast and take chances right?!”


the Captain get comfy in the driver seat…


thank gosh we’ve got a few years ahead of us for them litt’le legs to reach the pedals of pure speed. *sigh*


outside the house…just chillin’…


this one is for Master Sarge. yes, the Captain is sitting on your bike- the Ducati…


Arlin rockin’ his new sunglasses. It doesn’t matter which way he puts them on there on the right way! (although he looks like a bug!)

One Response to “Uncle Joel snapshots…”

  1. abby Says:

    so cute! love arlin’s sun glasses!

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