Day at the Denver Museum…

These pictures are the day after Halloween. We took Arlin and Stella to the Denver Art Museum to check out the current art exhibits. We were only able to muster our way through for about an hour and half…with Arlin Jack teething (cutting his back molars) and a forgotten pacifier…we weren’t able to stay as long as we all would have liked.

It was funny to see Stella look at the dates that the paintings were created…

“Mama, LOOK! 1934!!!”

I went on a hunt to find something even older, so she could correlate the year our house was built (1880) with a piece of art in the Denver Museum. Although I couldn’t find something that old I got closer than 1934. Stella reminded me of myself in my younger years, really museums can be quite boring when your parents drag you around and look at old art… sometimes none of it makes sense- but you do incidentally take “something” away from the experience. I used to look at the dates the paintings were created too when I was eight and I’d daydream while walking around about what life must have been back then, did they have television, cars, telephones etc…Oh, to be eight years old again!

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