Archive for the ‘Around town’ Category


Monday, March 14th, 2011

Wow, my hat tips off to Mr. Josh the 3year old kids soccer coach for last Friday’s practice. Seriously I have no idea how he managed…talk about controlled chaos! And I mean controlled because they were in an auditorium with four walls and the door shut….there were balls flying every which way you looked…littles blind siding each other, crying, runny noses, pushing….you name it.

But it was fun…

And Arlin loves soccer! It’s perfect timing for sports to start too…been a little cooped up with the weather lately…a good time to blow off some jitter bugs and get those legs ah shakin’!

That’s coach Josh (buddy Ben’s Papa)

that’s Ben with his arm around Arlin…too cute!

Trying to decide on a team name with a group of 3 yr olds was fun to watch…Josh ended up picking the “Rockets!”

if they’d had it their way they would have be the spiders, or the spidermans, or the batmans! ha.


I dont’ know who was more bummed his soccer shoes didn’t get here in time for Arlin’s first soccer practice- him or his Papa!


Arlin and Ben behind him…

soccer practice

Coach Josh showing how to kick the ball…

soccer practice

My little soccer star. He makes me so proud. He got a treat after practice- which he chose Chocolate milk…

“I want the one with the cow on it Mama!” (the horizon box milks) O.k. buddy let’s go get you a chocolate milk.

He stunk when I went to latch him in his car seat…he was all sweaty with his “huge” new soccer jersey on…made me realize this is just the beginning of sports and “stinky” boy things….am I ready I thought to myself???

I’m ready!

summer is still here…

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

Summer is still here. We’re still busy and YES, I’m still taking pictures of Jacker pants, just finding time to blog them is another story.

IMG_0990trip to Ikea play zone and lunch with Mama

only a face a mother could love (or everyone else in the world!)

he built this all on his own. who said you couldn’t build rome in a day?

“the dozer help us mama!”

lounging in buddy Ben’s pool

in buddy Ben’s sister-Taylor’s pink inner-tube.

the escapee! Yes, we lock Jacker’s in his room, with a big boy bed (freedom) there’s trouble to get into!

Arlin gets a sucker for eating all his sushi (and half of mine!)


now this is a face only a mother could love!

Arlin starts his new PreSchool for the Arts Sept. 7th!!! YIPEE! Mama is counting down the days. We’re very excited about this new program close to our house. And thrilled to be getting Jackers back to a similar school schedule/routine (five days a week) like he was on back in Denver. He’ll for sure miss his buddies at the Cove but it’s time to plant some roots in a full time program with a few more tots.

happy fourth-o-july…

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

After a 4.5 mile family run!!! (So, exciting Papa is running with Mama!) We headed over to the Lake Union annual Boat Festival to show Arlin some pirate ships…he thought they were really cool, but didn’t quite understand why he couldn’t play the role of the”Captain” himself.


It was a first for both Arlin and Papa to see a handful of different boats at the festival (being a California kid, I forget that a lot of people don’t easily have the opportunity to see these types of boats)


the weather was gorgeous and with the sun out till almost 10pm days are FULL!


Dinner at Circa, a local pub by the house after the festival…Arlin says…”You talkin’ to me?” (wearing Mama’s glasses)


instead of a weekend get away to Gearhart which we thought would have been really nice-we opt’ed to stay home for the holiday weekend and save the money instead. However, we made a small splurge and treated ourselves to a barbecue grill for the balcony (nothing too fancy) and Chad made us our yummy jalapeno burgers…along with the barbecue, Arlin scored this new t-ball set. The boys have had some real  fun with it….


of course Arlin had to pause and adjust his baseball cap every three seconds…it must be backwards! Don’t know who could have shown him this fashion sense? (papa!):)


looking for the ball. He actually whacked one outta their “playing field”

**This weekend also marked the Captain’s graduation from his baby crib to his “big boy” bed. I know, a little late, but finally the piece to convert his crib was discovered in the garage from the move…We made a big deal out of it, got out a special “pirate” themed blanket Mimi made hung his pirate flag up on his door.

First night:


EPIC fail.

These are pictures of us sneaking in to capture the mischievous behavior. There were lots of noises coming from his bedroom! He managed to pull all the blankets and stuffed animals out of trundle drawer below his bed.


Getting the business from Papa. See the snow mittens on the bed?! I’m telling you he had everything pulled out! (I’ve since gotten smarter and put all these things up in his closet where he can’t reach them:))

Ugh, the first night was a looooong one. At about 2am the Captain awoke, seemed he was a little lost sailing his ship…crying for Mama…he ended up sleeping in our bed-keeping everyone awake with his paranoia of the smoke detector light on the ceiling?!

Arlin:” ’twas dat Mama? Do you see somp-thin’??! Look at dat Mama!”

Mama & Papa: “GO TO BED ARLIN JACK!!!”

Second night- we brainstormed a plan to out smart the Captain’s new found freedom and we put up a doggie gate in his door way and “kid proofed” his room the best we could. It worked, I think he figured if he can’t bug us, he might as well sleep in his bed…

He did wake up with a pile of books in his bed…Can’t be upset about that! :)

Hope everyone had a fun fourth of July!

apple and the tree…

Monday, June 14th, 2010

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.




and man they love their PHO’!




Arlin can finish a small meatball noodle soup…(mama can’t even finish one!?)

army guy…

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010


The Captain’s going through a hat phase lately, he wants to wear one everywhere we go.

IMG_1795I’m lucky I guess…Arlin’s humored with inexpensive toys. He was exceptionally good for me the other day while running errands and being in the car for quite a while, I rewarded him with the choice of two toys one was $5 dollars and the other was $3…He totally took his time and sized up the inventory…a single spinner light thingy? OR a 55 piece army men set???

Pack of army men it was. “I want dis one Mama, dis one! Massser Sarge, ooo, ooo,ooo yes sir!” It’s so funny he does this Arseno Hall impression as he salutes military style.

We laid on the floor and lined em’ up and Arlin explained to Mama that Master Sarge’s were “Good Guys”

such a character!

pretty funny…

Sunday, May 16th, 2010

Papa makes a video…this is one of Arlin’s favorite songs, he sings along; boom boom pow…the best snap shot is the underwear in the kitchen with his rain boots on backwards…gotta love it.

my silly partner…

Friday, April 9th, 2010

silly exercise 4.3
Arlin Jack is the perfect partner for the online art class I’m taking by Carla Sonheim…the workshop is titled…”the Art of Silliness” and well what better partner could there be to be silly with?!

These eyeballs were a cut out, and an exercise to be creative with placement and photo taking/sharing.


Arlin’s been all about having his “own” everything…including a camera, so I found an old underwater camera from our vacation to Florida way back when…this is Arlin with eyeballs taped to the front, telling me to “smile!”

today we went on a photo-op scavenger hunt around the neighborhood today, because it was sunny and in the mid 50′s…absolutely beautiful! I love how the forecast reads rain everyday…it might rain for 5 or 10 minutes a day and then it’s sunny!

we found all kinds of creature inspiring photos to snap…

Arlin was pretty intrigued by these guys…but Mama, the stickler, wouldn’t let him touch…

“we…explore Mama!” is what he kept saying.

and we were having lots of fun…

till his trike wheel fell off, bolts and all…about three blocks from home. Arlin wanted me to carry his trike and him…no way jose, you’re a big boy, you walk. He’s been wanting me to carry him everywhere, and although it saves time when trying to get from point A to point B…I’m trying to save my poor back, and lately my knee…cause this chunker is a hefty load!

Gasworks Park…

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

IMG_1304Captain trouble…boy oh boy is a good thing this guy’s so darn cute!

We drove Mimi to the airport last Tuesday. Arlin and I both drove away with crocodile size tears. Arlin kept saying airplane…get on airplane…go Mimi…Mama, airplane…go with Mimi. I asked him if he wanted to go home with Mimi and he said “yes, mama, go with Mimi, pleeease, I get on dah airplane!” Saying goodbye stinks, I wish everyone we loved was right here in Seattle.


Seattle, and every surrounding neighborhood is simply amazing. This place is really beautiful with the blue water and green lush landscaping things are pretty colorful.

and your tour guide today folks, is Mr. Arlin Jack Larsen…step right up and get your tickets!

(at Gasworks park with Mimi and Uncle Roy…)

Arlin digs he’s Uncle Roy…(great uncle Roy actually :))

maybe one day we’ll be lucky enough to have our own boat, wouldn’t that be sweet?

king(s) of the hill.

I say over and over Arlin Jack has horns, and can be a little devil at times, but I need to brag of his growing vocab too! I swear it’s like he wakes up each morning with a handful of new words he didn’t say the day before. He formulates sentences and uses the proper words in context….it’s so COOL! I know every parent thinks their child is bright…but man I tell ya, this kids noggin’ size just might mean something!

I’m proud. Proud Mama, even when he’s horns are out…he’s my guy!

play pleeeease…

Friday, February 26th, 2010

Could you say “No” to this cute face? I catch myself pulling over for play time often these days. I figure as long as I don’t have any perishables from the grocery store in the car, we can afford a half an hour here or there to check out a park.

Unfortunately I’m at the mercy of Chad when it comes to uploading videos, this picture is actually a one minute video I took of Arlin saying everyones name…Mimi (airplane here- is what he says after Mimi), Mass-sir Sarge (sarge gets a half wing salute) and  Molly (Molly gets a big smile and he signs please and says my hommie- you ask Arlin is Molly your friend?….”yah I like Molly, she friend”) Uncle Roy, Vickieeee, Meeeeegin (Megan) Mama, Papa, Sissy (Sissy gets jumps up in the air when he says her name) Grandma and Grandpa (in Coloradoooo), Grandpa Tom (he always says; “yah,yah, mon-ser truck” after Grandpa Tom :))

He’s pointing for me to get on the merry go round with him here.

ladies at the grocery store were calling….hey Mr. Nine, aren’t you a cutie?!

Arlin says………R_A_W_R! and claw back at em’….he’s such a flirt it’s painful sometimes!

he’d climb a mountain if you’d let him…

trying to escape…

“is wet Mama!”…”down please, Mama?”

he made me come up and carry him down…I did.

I have to say although I am sometimes (like a lot of times) completely worn out by this guy and his terrible two’s….his whole “No” stage he seems to be relishing…he’s terrible with me, and with Chad (it’s our payback for all our childhood naughtiness I suppose) but Arlin is an angel- o.k. maybe “angel” is a stretch…but I hear he is just a happy go lucky, agreeable guy. At least that’s the feedback my Uncle Roy gave us. It makes me feel good that Arlin feels secure enough to stay with other family and friends while we are away…..cause he knows deep down we’re coming right back! Thank you Roy and Vickie ( and Auntie Molly) for taking such good care of the Captain!

Seattle fishies…

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

We took Arlin to the Seattle Aquarium on Sunday. I just love this picture… Arlin’s attention span is I suppose what you’d expect a two year olds to be…he couldn’t stand at any one exhibit for more than seconds it seemed like. And we did a lot of sprint walking to keep tabs on him.

you can definitely tell he likes the new house, he’s much more vocal and there are few times he’s not singing and playing or chasing the dog and getting into trouble!

we’ve toured three local parks in the neighborhood so far and have a few more mapped out.

this crazy swing was at the park we were at this morning, I don’t know if it was a handicap swing or what? but there was really no one at the park so I strapped him in for some fun.

little man on a mission…geez he’s got some REAL tude’ lately. I’m hoping it’s the terrible two’s thing and with a routine in the works he gets back to the Arlin Jack I’m so proud of.

not quite big enough for this digger contraption but determined nonetheless.

I found a part time Montessori “influenced” drop in care for a few hours a day three times a week, Chad and I are touring it tomorrow morning, I’m anxious it’s a fit, cause the kiddo is going stir crazy with just me (and a few park kids here and there) to socialize with.