
Cabin fever. still sick, snotty nose, and a yucky cough. Day three of staying home…


package came this morning! Arlin Jack scored an old classic Radio Flyer Trike from Grandpa Tom…woo hoo!


I asked him if he was taking a pit stop to fix his seat… tool in hand, he’s ready to fix something.


or watch a little more of his FAVORITE movie. I’m amused he’ll actually sit or stand and pay attention to anything as long as he will with this movie. I kinda get why parents use DVD’s….not that this will become a regular thing, but hey when snows falling outside and the kiddo’s sick, it’s about all we can do not to drive each other crazy.


not sure what this face is all about.


first the cowboy boots…then he had to have his hat….


he puts the boots on himself. uh and the hat too.


nice look you got goin’ on there buddy…


cooped up. it’s not fun.

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One Response to “Tow-mater…”

  1. Pamaw Says:

    AHH, the movie Cars, could it get any better for a little boy who loves wheels!!! He is growing up way too fast…can we stop Father Time?

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