

Biggest Tractor Mama’s ever seen. I was so excited to see this beast parked at a neighborhood construction site, cause I knew it would totally excite Arlin Jack. Tractor, sounds like “Cr-a-cker”…as Arlin says it, it’s his new repeat word (we’re talking broken record style)


after school on Monday I picked Arlin up and told him about the “B-I-G” Tractor. I said we’d go look at it on the way home, then Arlin reminded me as soon as we got in the car that I forgot his milk…I knew we were low at home anyways, so I thought I’d swing by Whole Foods on the way to the construction site to see the huge mountain of dirt and tractor! Little did I know he’d have a mini melt down calling for the tractor (cracker) at the grocery store! The cashier thought he was pretty cool. “You want a cracker? How bout a peanut butter cookie?” I told the cashier Arlin Jack was actually saying “Tractor” as I had promised to show him a huge one…and the cashier said “Ohhhh, well here ya’ go buddy here’s a sticker with a tractor on it!” And look I’ll put one on too! and now we’re twins!” It was pretty fun as the young cashier stood there also wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt. Arlin made another buddy. He’s getting pretty good at this. :)


Cookie in hand and Tractor sticker proudly on his chest…oh and cold milk in his sippy cup we were on our way to hunt down the bIG tractor! Arlin was so stoked to check it out. I had half the mind to let him crawl through the fence…there was a small hole we could fit through…but I thought it prolly wasn’t such a good idea afterall. (No need to teaching urban exploring just yet!)


some park time today…he’s feeling better and back to school tomorrow…hooray for Mama!


TRACTOR’s are cool!

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