book hunt…

My all time favorite book from when I was little (my Mom somehow knew to save it) it’s now Arlin’s favorite book. He LOVES to find Goldbug on each page…and for being 2years old he sometimes amazes me….he can often find Goldbug before I can!

I’m debating whether to order these online or set off to search Seattle book stores (cause there are a-LOT of them) and try and find these additional Richard Scarry’s publications.

this one above is a must…

And randomly this morning I turned on the local Seattle kids station and they have a cartoon based on Richard Scarry’s books! Crazy eh? These books were published in the early 70′s, my mom thinks they might have been my brothers books first. If you haven’t heard of them you should check em’ out, they are so detailed they keep the kiddies coming back.

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