Seattle fishies…

We took Arlin to the Seattle Aquarium on Sunday. I just love this picture… Arlin’s attention span is I suppose what you’d expect a two year olds to be…he couldn’t stand at any one exhibit for more than seconds it seemed like. And we did a lot of sprint walking to keep tabs on him.

you can definitely tell he likes the new house, he’s much more vocal and there are few times he’s not singing and playing or chasing the dog and getting into trouble!

we’ve toured three local parks in the neighborhood so far and have a few more mapped out.

this crazy swing was at the park we were at this morning, I don’t know if it was a handicap swing or what? but there was really no one at the park so I strapped him in for some fun.

little man on a mission…geez he’s got some REAL tude’ lately. I’m hoping it’s the terrible two’s thing and with a routine in the works he gets back to the Arlin Jack I’m so proud of.

not quite big enough for this digger contraption but determined nonetheless.

I found a part time Montessori “influenced” drop in care for a few hours a day three times a week, Chad and I are touring it tomorrow morning, I’m anxious it’s a fit, cause the kiddo is going stir crazy with just me (and a few park kids here and there) to socialize with.

One Response to “Seattle fishies…”

  1. abby jane Says:

    i hope the preschool is a good fit for ya’ll! glad for a catch up, i can’t believe you’re in the northwest! it’s cool but reminds me daily of where i want to be, poor kiko!

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