move over picasso…

Sorry, been lagging on Jacker’s blog…seem to be lacking that “extra” time lately, Arlin has become quite demanding of my attention in the every waking moment, this boy keeps us busy- always!


Arlin Jack paints his first canvas with Mama in her studio…

not so easy holding my EOS in one hand to snap a pic…:)

Arlin barked the colors out loud he wanted the paint dispenser (Mama) to put on his palette…

Mama: “Arlin, We just did green.”

Arlin: “Ummm…uh, a SPECIAL GREEN! Mom”

Mama: “Oh, o.k. I’ll get you the “special” green color, coming right up!”

Arlin: “Thank you Mama”

(I’m very proud of Arlin’s politeness with thank you and your welcome, I just wish it was a 100% percent of the time…you know, like the times when someone takes “his” shovel at the community toy sharing park!)


how cute are his little munchkin feet on the ladder? (that he decorated with Stella’s bottle cap magnets!)


surprisingly he was patient with this project…he listened and followed instruction well…I’d say he painted for a good 10 minutes, and for Jacker’s (his latest nickname) that’s fantastic.


We’ll be painting more often now, I think I was afraid of the mess, but really he was a champ about the whole process!

Arlin’s new favorite music to jam out to…The Backyardigans episode; Surf’s Up, this kiddo loves to sing & shake it! And of all the cruddy cartoons out there, I really like this one; the music and dancing is hysterical, I caught myself singing right along and doing the moves with Arlin!)

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