park time…

With no preschool yesterday we had to get out of the house. So we bundled up, got Arlin’s strider bike and helmet out and hit the road for the nearby park. It was fun. We chased and fed the squirrels and had a little “we don’t pet the cute squirrels talk”… we learned about crows and how we have to watch our snacks or they’ll snag em’! So, funny to hear Jacker’s yelling at the crows…

“these are my crackers! you get away mr. crow!”

Arlin JackArlinhandsome jack

this face saves him…every time he is in trouble. (it’s really Mama that’s in trouble with a face like this!)

there weren’t any kids at the first park we went to…so I let Jacks convince me to ride his bike down to the other park…which turned out to be a not so good idea.


after playing for another hour or so on the playground it was time to head home. Which Jacker’s then decided he was just TOO tired to make it home riding his bike.

I carried his helmet, his snacks, and his bike and after he laid down on the sidewalk a few times crying (like he was dying- so theatrical I tell ya!) I carried HIM too…for about a 3/4 of a mile home! My shoulder is killing me today! I was so grumpy with him when we got home…but again that face-saves him every time.

It’s Papa’s Birthday today…Arlin marched into his preschool class and announced it…pretty cute.

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