Posts Tagged ‘park’

park time…

Friday, April 1st, 2011

With no preschool yesterday we had to get out of the house. So we bundled up, got Arlin’s strider bike and helmet out and hit the road for the nearby park. It was fun. We chased and fed the squirrels and had a little “we don’t pet the cute squirrels talk”… we learned about crows and how we have to watch our snacks or they’ll snag em’! So, funny to hear Jacker’s yelling at the crows…

“these are my crackers! you get away mr. crow!”

Arlin JackArlinhandsome jack

this face saves him…every time he is in trouble. (it’s really Mama that’s in trouble with a face like this!)

there weren’t any kids at the first park we went to…so I let Jacks convince me to ride his bike down to the other park…which turned out to be a not so good idea.


after playing for another hour or so on the playground it was time to head home. Which Jacker’s then decided he was just TOO tired to make it home riding his bike.

I carried his helmet, his snacks, and his bike and after he laid down on the sidewalk a few times crying (like he was dying- so theatrical I tell ya!) I carried HIM too…for about a 3/4 of a mile home! My shoulder is killing me today! I was so grumpy with him when we got home…but again that face-saves him every time.

It’s Papa’s Birthday today…Arlin marched into his preschool class and announced it…pretty cute.

over the weekend…

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009


Saturday Chad and I took Arlin and Stella to Pirates Cove. I packed us all lunch and some drinks, glad I did, the food at the park was yukky.


Stella showing Arlin just how it’s done…


The Captain wasn’t too sure about the water squirter, it was fun till it hit him in the face!


watching “Siss-E” as he calls her.


pool time.


Sunday we went to the park I had Arlin Jack’s baby shower, and took Arlin and Stella on the train ride around the park and into the petting zoo. I’ll have to pull the pictures of the petting zoo off chad’s camera. While we were inside the sheep and pig corral the pig started play fighting with one of the sheep and to my surprise nibbled my leg after pommeling a poor toddler little girl standing nearby. Arlin was right next to me and I think it startled him just as much as me…I scooped the Captain up and bee lined it straight out of the pen squealing the whole way. Chad and Stella thought it was pretty funny…

I thought it was funny the troublemaker pig’s name was “Stella!”


walking up the creek at the park.


Miss Stella sporting some of her new duds, glad they fit and she said are “comfy, comfy!”

Monday Monday!

Monday, March 16th, 2009


trying to stay entertained waiting for my i-phone to be evaluated at the Apple store.


I’d let the Captain cruise…then reel him back in!


“Well hello Mr. Plant.” I swear he was having a conversation here.


reeling him back in…again and again.


my little guy.


after the mall visit and a repaired or should I say replaced i-phone I took the Captain to Wash Park playground to blow off some steam…


this guy has absolutely NO fear of anything.


great picture…i love it.


the Captain’s glue stitches finally came off this morning…geez! I thought he’d be eighteen and still have em’! those suckers were on there good! No scar…Woo Hoo!


I literally thought he was going to buck himself right outta’ this rhino!


an hour later and dinner time…we headed home. Plum tuckered out by 6:30pm we read our potty training book and went nite- nite with kitty!


Tuesday, March 10th, 2009


me trying to reach in and get the shot…Abby once said “it’s like being the paparazzi to get a decent shot of these guys!” It’s so true!


curious george…has to scope out all the big kids.


debating the slide…


have you seen a cuter face. grumpy old man! and look at his hand…he’s got the horns goin’ too! ha.


Arlin got excited when he found a pine cone on the ground…


he carried it like precious cargo…


Awww…ain’t he sweet? He came to give it to me.



That’s my guy.

I ran Arlin over to the Harvard Gulch Park playground for a change of scenery Thursday after lunchtime. I thought it be good for him to blow off some steam and get rid that extra energy for a good night sleep before our big day of travel. It was fun to watch him play. His getting some new words. And of course one of his favorite is “NO” it’s still cute, cause I don’t think he really knows what it means just yet- But I say “Yes”, and Arlin says “No.” He’s also saying Bye Bye and waving his hand, which we’re working on…he’s kinda doing the pageant wave now….don’t know where he got it…but it’s funny.