Poor Captain Jack…


sitting on top of the medical table playing with Mama’s key’s for distraction.


after the nurses flushed his forehead out with saline solution…

Ugh. Two weeks shy of 16 months and my boy has already gotten his first stitches!

I dropped Arlin off to school yesterday morning a few minutes later than usual. I said my goodbyes and headed to the gym for some treadmill running/training. I wasn’t even 5 miles away when I got the phone call from Bergamo Academy that Arlin was injured. Once again he fell and hit his head on something (this is twice in one week?!). This time they advised me to come pick Arlin up, as they thought he may medical assistance.

I don’t think I’ve ever driven that fast anywhere with such intent. (and dialogued excuse planned out in my head-you know for that police officer- I thought so surely (with my luck) would be pulling me over)

I needed to see Arlin. I needed to hold him. I needed to make him feel better.

When I walked into the toddler classroom he was in “normal” Arlin spirits, but I wasn’t fooled by his demeanor, he clearly needed to go to the doctor. One, to make sure he didn’t have a concussion (he had quite the egg on his upper right-side forehead) and Two, to see if he needed some stitches, after all his forehead was open.

Indeed Arlin Jack needed stitches. I begged for the resident doctor to use glue stitches if she thought we could get away with them, she was about to give him two old fashion stitches and I thought for sure Arlin would scar, and well…  I just knew I’d faint right there in the doctor’s office if that’s the route we were about to go down.- It’s true, I’m such a sissy wimp when it comes to injuries, I will never be a nurse or a doctor in another life! (if there is one)

I need to breathe. Right? It’s called being a Mom to a…BOY…Right?!

Or did we jump the gun on sending our little guy to Montessori school?

One Response to “Poor Captain Jack…”

  1. Abby Says:

    hey palmer got a runny nose last week and now is throwing up and i got strep. this whole leaving your kid think is terrifying me beyond words!

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