Stud Muffin…

“Stud Muffin seeks Cupcake”
…must be nice and sweet!!!”

I died laughing when I found this onesie at Target the other day. Arlin is wearing his new Hurley jeans in these pictures they came in the mail from Pamaw (with a bunch of adorable clothes!)… they are size 18 months! As I tease about Captain Jack being our little lamb chop…I actually think he is starting to taper off on the weight gain. He is finally doin’ the scoot! he can get up on his knees and if something is there to tug on he’ll pull himself up.
Chad and I have to drop the mattress down in his crib. I came in to get him up from his nap and he was up on both his knees holding onto the side crib rail. I thought I was gonna have a heart attack, he could have launched himself right over the side! I guess it’s time to make some adjustments around the house! Last night we actually picked up a gate for the top of the stairs…so we don’t have to worry about him in his pooh bear walker.

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