Posts Tagged ‘bicycle’

Two wheels

Saturday, March 21st, 2009


an empty cup…but it’s Mama’s…so he’s thrilled and empowered!


handsome devil…


so intense…


rocks and a starbucks cup…that’s all you need.


on to the next…


at first I thought it was Stella’s bike he was after…


makin’ room…need clearance!


he wanted the small blue bike that was behind Stella’s cruiser…and boy was he determined!


I decided to help the Captain out…


And pulled the blue bike out for him…”Does he even know what to do with it?” I thought to myself…


YES…he sure does! This is me holding the bicycle with one hand ( a bicycle with no training wheels I might add!) and taking the picture with the other hand…while the Captain climbs right on up!


with two flats tires…he wasn’t exactly easy to push around the backyard on flagstone.


I’m over the runny nose! Add that to the Mommy list….windex, spray n’ wash, and kleenex! I should buy stock in all three!  Spring Break is all next week. Captain will be out of school- maybe we’ll have time to de-snot our little guy?! I’m hopeful to get my little guy healthy and spend some quality time with him! 

I hollered at Chad to come downstairs to see the Captain on the bicycle today…I was totally blown away and I think Papa was surprised too. He is fearless, it’s so cool to watch him explore (and it’s totally scary at the same time) He is all BOY.

Papa and I both turned to each other and said it’s time to get the Captain his first bike, o.k. maybe trike! Just in time for summer!