Archive for the ‘Snow’ Category

Snowflakes a falling…

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009











The snow has not stopped falling. It just keeps coming! Arlin Jack’s school was closed for the day and Mama’s hair appointment was cancelled too, boo hoo. But we entertained ourselves inside with Arlin Jack’s play-doh tool kit. We also watched the movie The Tale of Despereaux a movie about a brave little mouse. We played with his wooden puzzle piece boards and we watched the neighbors blow snow off their sidewalks…then Arlin got a good laugh watching Mama through the living room window shoveling the 18″ off our front walk way for the pizza man! That’s right Arlin and Mama ate pizza for dinner! YUMMY!

cold weekend…

Monday, October 12th, 2009


modeling his new outfit…(he put his own hands in his pockets, swear) Papa Loves! this outfit…


watch out G-Q.


then Mama had to come along and interrupt the fashion debut… she was too impatient to get a shot of the Moo-seY tee she made the Capt. it’s So cute to hear him say Moo-Sey.


game over.


Rockin’ his new pajamas from Pamaw…even his new Moo-seY slippers…these things are awesome and came in perfect timing for the freezing weather we’ve been having!


his new favorite cereal, Annie’s Honey Bunnies…tastes pretty sugary to Mama.


It snowed Saturday. Can you believe it…it’s not suppose to snow till Halloween. It was a cold weekend. And the Captain had a really runny nose so we stayed home Saturday and watched movies. Chad’s sick too. Sunday we went down to Castle Rock outlets to get the kids some winter clothes…Children’s Place- you can’t beat there prices!


Saturday, March 28th, 2009


Arlin?? Where are you??


Ha! I found you…it really did have me startled for a minute…this is a first time adventure for the Captain.


It was funny…till he was stuck. I had to lift the sofa and tug him free. 


breakfast during the blizzard…


the Captain offered free entertainment for Papa and I. Arlin Jack got out his dinosaur slippers (from his Halloween costume) and made Papa put them on.


the Captain’s custom cleaning station…


I hung it up while he was napping. When he woke…it’s the first thing he noticed, I swear this guy doesn’t miss a beat.


not even 10 minutes after discovery he managed to rip the rack right off the wall. Anchoring it with massive screws was on our weekend “Honey Do” list. 

It was a real treat to hang for a week in the morning with my guy.  But boy oh boy did we get cabin fever with all the snow. I think the Captain is going to be thrilled to get back to school next week. However I was happy we managed to get well over the past five days. No runny nose or cough and man o’ man Arlin Jack has his appetite back and then some! I swear he eats more than we do!!! I think he is in a serious growing spurt. Big meals, and long naps! It’s good news that Pamaw is booking travel to Denver soon!

Snow time!

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009


Chad snapped a shot of us as he shoveled the drive way for us… (such a nice Papa)


Pulling out of our neighborhood, I was proud of myself for driving safely on the unplowed streets.


sitting at many stop lights along the way I was snapping pictures of the snowy trees…I love em’.


We started out alright, but who knew it would take over 45 minutes to drive 3.3 miles?


Mr. Cranky overheating in the long…long car ride to school.


Channel 7 News…27 degrees

Captain Bundle…

Friday, December 5th, 2008









Stuck in the  house…(Honda still in the body shop, should be finished today! yay.) Both little man and I started to get cabin fever….

So, I figured the Captain and I had to get out of the house for a bit and play in the backyard snow. After Arlin woke up from his morning nap I saw just how many layers of warm clothes I could get on him under his fleece snowsuit from Great Grandpa Fred in Michigan.

I couldn’t tell if his boots were actually on his feet or not because his legs were so puffy- it didn’t seem like I could get the boots on all the way- but hey, it didn’t stop the Captain from frolicking around one bit. Oh, and those are Stella’s gloves on his little paws- Yes, I’ve neglected to buy mittens with the teasing warm weather we’ve been having this winter- although we do have Pamaw’s R.E.I glove straps awaiting a new pair of mittens- so, maybe I’ll go shopping over the weekend for some mittens- along with a bathing suit for the Virgin Islands!

Good bye snow…Hello sunshine!

Pamaw, we are so ready to see you and head to the V.I.!!!!

My favorite shot

Monday, January 21st, 2008

I LOVE this picture!!! My boys! Taken Saturday morning at Beaver Creek.


Family trip to Vail…

Monday, January 21st, 2008

First shot is the view from our condo balcony- Avon at Vail.
I must say…I am one lucky Mom. Arlin was fantastic away from home. I was a little apprehensive about the trip, but he slept in his pack and play in the living room, took a bath in the bathroom sink and had fun with us frolicking in the snow at Beaver Creek! He sure did surprise me. Arlin’s Ugg snow suit was too cute! And he fit right in with the other babies looking like a pro. ;)
