Gasworks Park…

IMG_1304Captain trouble…boy oh boy is a good thing this guy’s so darn cute!

We drove Mimi to the airport last Tuesday. Arlin and I both drove away with crocodile size tears. Arlin kept saying airplane…get on airplane…go Mimi…Mama, airplane…go with Mimi. I asked him if he wanted to go home with Mimi and he said “yes, mama, go with Mimi, pleeease, I get on dah airplane!” Saying goodbye stinks, I wish everyone we loved was right here in Seattle.


Seattle, and every surrounding neighborhood is simply amazing. This place is really beautiful with the blue water and green lush landscaping things are pretty colorful.

and your tour guide today folks, is Mr. Arlin Jack Larsen…step right up and get your tickets!

(at Gasworks park with Mimi and Uncle Roy…)

Arlin digs he’s Uncle Roy…(great uncle Roy actually :))

maybe one day we’ll be lucky enough to have our own boat, wouldn’t that be sweet?

king(s) of the hill.

I say over and over Arlin Jack has horns, and can be a little devil at times, but I need to brag of his growing vocab too! I swear it’s like he wakes up each morning with a handful of new words he didn’t say the day before. He formulates sentences and uses the proper words in context….it’s so COOL! I know every parent thinks their child is bright…but man I tell ya, this kids noggin’ size just might mean something!

I’m proud. Proud Mama, even when he’s horns are out…he’s my guy!

One Response to “Gasworks Park…”

  1. abby jane Says:

    my parent’s friend has a sail boat docked up in seattle. . . they get to go sailing all the time. they went up to Victoria with him, another good reason to get outta colorado!

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