

Arlin?? Where are you??


Ha! I found you…it really did have me startled for a minute…this is a first time adventure for the Captain.


It was funny…till he was stuck. I had to lift the sofa and tug him free. 


breakfast during the blizzard…


the Captain offered free entertainment for Papa and I. Arlin Jack got out his dinosaur slippers (from his Halloween costume) and made Papa put them on.


the Captain’s custom cleaning station…


I hung it up while he was napping. When he woke…it’s the first thing he noticed, I swear this guy doesn’t miss a beat.


not even 10 minutes after discovery he managed to rip the rack right off the wall. Anchoring it with massive screws was on our weekend “Honey Do” list. 

It was a real treat to hang for a week in the morning with my guy.  But boy oh boy did we get cabin fever with all the snow. I think the Captain is going to be thrilled to get back to school next week. However I was happy we managed to get well over the past five days. No runny nose or cough and man o’ man Arlin Jack has his appetite back and then some! I swear he eats more than we do!!! I think he is in a serious growing spurt. Big meals, and long naps! It’s good news that Pamaw is booking travel to Denver soon!

One Response to “Overdue…”

  1. Pamaw Says:

    I opened the blog, saw the first pic with the leg sticking out and just cracked up!! A picture is worth a thousand words. And the “I’m stuck” meltdown was awesome.

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