Posts Tagged ‘new day’


Thursday, February 26th, 2009


this picture is just for Pamaw…give him two sporks and he is ambidextrous! little Picasso…


cruising the front yard…new terrain.


such a handsome fella’


on our backyard swing…I daydreamed for a bit of how I used to bundle the Captain up with blankets and take him out to the swing… & singĀ  him to sleep and rock for hours. (the days he use to cuddle!)


walking tall right next to Mama…


stopped to check out the birds…his new wonder…only problem, he can’t figure out where they are!


admiring the doggy across the street. Are all doggies bigger than Otis…the Captain loves watching big dogs.

Oh, thank you thank you! Today when I picked up Arlin from school his teacher said he was really fussy all day, let loose with some screaming and a few crying fits. I figured I was in for a real picnic the rest of the day. He was crashed out asleep in the car before I could even pull in the drive way. I carried him into the house and he was like a sack of potatoes, didn’t budge at all, went down for his nap with “Kitty” and slept for 2 hours!

I was showered from the gym and painting onesies waiting for the Captain to get up… I was very pleasantly surprised when he roused from his nap. We had such an awesome day together. Ate a huge lunch, went for a walk, played in the backyard for a bit and his playroom upstairs, had dinner, and a bath and went down for the night without a peep.

Words are forming…you can hear the gears in his noggin’ turning 100 miles an hour. He gets dressed for school with minimal help, and now potties in his diaper still but standing in the big boy bathroom. It’s really funny actually if you ask Arlin if he’s Poop’d he nods No and gives you totally crooked smile.

We’re growing up…