Posts Tagged ‘papa’s day’

Papa’s Day…

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

Saturday morning started early with our storage pod drop off….The captain’s face was priceless when we pulled the door up and he saw his Radio flyer trike and wagon…Oh yeah….I forgot about those :)


And Sunday, well it was Papa’s Day…


Arlin had Papa sit at his table while they ate Bagels and cream cheese- their fav!


Arlin gave Papa his present…a pen holder he made at school along with a hand made card that Mama helped him with, it was pretty cute- we traced his foot…which almost didn’t fit on one side! this kid has some big paws (hand and footsie’s :))


nom, nom!


Sunday night we went out to dinner to celebrate…Arlin was a champ very well behaved and he ate calamari, shrimp fresh rolls, satay chicken and most of the cucumbers and carrots of my vermicelli bowl. When I buckled Arlin into his car seat I whispered into his ear that he should say…Happy Father’s Day. This is what he said;

“I got it cover Mom-dont’ worry…” (he calls me “Mom” now…but only when he’s trying to be serious)

We drive for a bit, it’s quiet…then he goes;

“It’s Papa’s day, ‘dis my Father’s Day?!…I love you Papa!”

It’s moments like this that my world is still and feels perfect this IS what life is all about. I feel blessed to be this kiddo’s Mom.