Archive for the ‘Weekend family fun’ Category

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

Jacker’s…four days before he turns three!!!


he’s wearing two special things….a mardi gras mask he made in preschool AND his new tee from Grandma Larsen!


” I didn’t do it, you didn’t see me do it, I want to speak to my Grandma!”

Could it be any more perfect??!?

Papa’s Day…

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

Saturday morning started early with our storage pod drop off….The captain’s face was priceless when we pulled the door up and he saw his Radio flyer trike and wagon…Oh yeah….I forgot about those :)


And Sunday, well it was Papa’s Day…


Arlin had Papa sit at his table while they ate Bagels and cream cheese- their fav!


Arlin gave Papa his present…a pen holder he made at school along with a hand made card that Mama helped him with, it was pretty cute- we traced his foot…which almost didn’t fit on one side! this kid has some big paws (hand and footsie’s :))


nom, nom!


Sunday night we went out to dinner to celebrate…Arlin was a champ very well behaved and he ate calamari, shrimp fresh rolls, satay chicken and most of the cucumbers and carrots of my vermicelli bowl. When I buckled Arlin into his car seat I whispered into his ear that he should say…Happy Father’s Day. This is what he said;

“I got it cover Mom-dont’ worry…” (he calls me “Mom” now…but only when he’s trying to be serious)

We drive for a bit, it’s quiet…then he goes;

“It’s Papa’s day, ‘dis my Father’s Day?!…I love you Papa!”

It’s moments like this that my world is still and feels perfect this IS what life is all about. I feel blessed to be this kiddo’s Mom.

apple and the tree…

Monday, June 14th, 2010

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.




and man they love their PHO’!




Arlin can finish a small meatball noodle soup…(mama can’t even finish one!?)

Road trip…

Monday, May 25th, 2009

first some pictures from last week…


Riding his new quad in the backyard. Super funny to see how many ways this guy can ride his quad. Side saddle is just the beginning. Thank gosh it’s only a battery charged!


I call him the energizer bunny man…hoppity hop hop hop. He’s been into the whole “jump” thing, especially if he can get Papa to do it with him.


Today we took a road trip up past Fort Collins to scope out possible camping sites for this summer. 




What is Mama doin’?


And what did Arlin Jack just do???


Arlin thought his gold fish wanted to go for a swim! He threw his whole snack container into the river, luckily enough it caught up on some debris about 30 feet past where we were.


Mama did finally make it.



dsc01795 always…goofin’ around!


Little Miss Stell…

We had a good time today looking for camping spots. I’m pretty sure we’ll be back sooner than later for some camping fun. Although we didn’t get quite as far as we wanted to check out (Arlin hit the wall after nap time, and Stella was hungry) so we detoured trailing back to a bar restaurant called Mishawaka it was pretty cool (Chad and I might have to go back for the reggae festival or another concert they have an outdoor amphitheater right on the river.


Weekend fun…

Sunday, April 5th, 2009


The Captain took his “eggies” to the window to eat and check out the snow…


Although it’s a “No,No…” to eat away from his little table, I could not resist this photo opportunity.


at the Denver Car Show, Saturday…


Papa and I had to finish our Starbucks before we could enter the show…So, we let the Captain explore a little and wear himself out…


little man on mission…to who knows where!


Dinner party later Saturday at Alex and Lola’s. This is a picture of the kiddies; Salvador (10 mo.) Audrey (12 mo.) and Arlin Jack (18 mo-in two days!)


Uh OH! The Captain was infatuated with Sal’s quad…Arlin was a terror on this thing- almost knocking over this picture wall! Papa says he needs one….?!


What’s the speed limit?


Sal had all kinds of new toys and gadgets for Arlin to admire.


Guess which tot went to sleep first? Yep indeedy…Arlin Jackers. The eldest and first man down…7:30pm! Actually worked out well. We brought Arlin’s pack n’ play so the Captain could sleep when he tuckered out…and Mama and Papa could socialize and enjoy dinner with our friends- so nice!

Sunday sunshine…

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

Sunday at Team Woefel’s for a little anniversary celebration. Congrats to Abby and Kiko!

(and thanks to Abby for snapping these pictures! Mama was too busy enjoying a beer and a day off!)



such handsome lads…watch out ladies!


we need to find a new hat for summertime. The Captain was a little red on the forehead yesterday when we got home and that was even after we borrowed some suntan lotion from Abby.


Wow…the weather was so beautiful this weekend! It was so nice to put some shorts on and be in the sunshine…make us all day dream about summertime!

Family time…

Sunday, March 22nd, 2009


Confluence Park, on Saturday…


I ran from our house down to Evans across Santa Fe Dr. and 8 miles up Platt River to meet the boys at Confluence Park.


Captain’s legs are a little short yet for climbing, but he’s got the concept down for sure!


loving the slide action…


with open platforms on both side of the playground I had to chase him around everywhere he went…(Chad says I over do it) I’m just so afraid of his “fearless” curious george…. I visualize him falling off everything!


Papa helping with shorty’s legs!


we walked along the river back up to R.E.I where Chad parked the car…we stopped to watch this lady standing on something that looked to be a surf board…


Uh…Oh…she started to holler!


Splash…Bummer to be her for  the rest of the afternoon at the park in all white wet attire!

Off to Abby and Kiko’s anniversary gathering this afternoon…the Captain and I may be attending alone….Papa’s got a sore throat. : (


Sunday, March 1st, 2009

Mama says “CHEESE”…Arlin Jack says…”DOG” or his new word…”BALL”

We had to immediately take a bath after this episode.

a day of Disney…

Saturday, February 28th, 2009


Arlin wasn’t too sure about the clowns…and the balloons went straight to the mouth!


little man on a mission…


Papa had to reel the Captain in a few times…


towards the end the Captain had a short fuse…


Mama helping Stella make a sand bottle thingy…


Stella rock climbing…she literally rocked it! Was behind for the take off and in seconds was at the top and back down before the other kids were half way up!


The Captain is definitely teething. If not a pacifier, he’ll chew on anything! After failing to get Mama’s earring he went to chew on my scarf.


Chad and I in the Denver Convention Center.


Stella and Anna Maria, after Miss Stella got her “POP-Rock” UP-ity hair do! (Grandma even got glitter too!)

Today we got super lucky to get Stella for the afternoon and take her to a Disney kids event at the downtown Denver Convention center that Grandma and Grandpa Anna Maria and Les told us about early this morning. They met us there for the fun.

Stella had a blast with all the booths set up, there were prize winning games, big bouncy slides, a rock climbing wall (that she was amazing at- I might tell ya’) and a live music show with the youngest girls currently recording music. These girls I guess are on the Disney Channel so we took Stella to check it all out, while Grandpa took the Captain to the other side of the event to a toddler tumble gym place and had some fun. 

Everyone had a great time and we only wish could have kept Stella with us to enjoy some Gelato!

Back to the Bib….

Monday, February 9th, 2009


I really did give the Captain a full bowl of oatmeal and bananas this morning. Bad Mama?


Check out the banged up cheek from the park (more pictures to follow)


See! He can get the spoon to mouth thing down…


(those are his new rocket ship gripper socks for his indoor shoes at school- the pee pee crocs got banned too- the Captain has duffed it one too many times in them.)


Sorry buddy…were back to the Bib!