Posts Tagged ‘School’

potty time=party time…

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

I had to. Saw these “camp fire” oversized marshmellows at the grocery store and I did a very bad thing…I bought the bag. I thought to myself “how cool would this size marshmellow be for a yummy reward for going potty on the toilet at school??!”

Yes, they are HUGE, like the size of a closed fist huge…when I realized it was gonna take two air tight storage containers to house these bad boys…I thought, “W-O-W that’s a lot of sugar I’m gonna just gonna hand over to my kid”…

but I did it anyways…
IMG_0872 At first…he scowled at it…I honestly don’t even think he knew what it was, then quickly he said “Marshmellow Mum?!”
Arlin Jack- marshmellow

Nom! Nom!

happy, happy, joy, joy……..

until Mama stops off at the store to run an errand on the way home from school and finds this happy face covered in slimy what’s left of an attacked marshmellow…and a boy who’s NOT so “mellow”? Omg….it was a train wreck. He was beside himself, covered in white goo…it was E-v-e-r-y-where, all over his face, his hands, his tee shirt, his shorts, the car seat, and ALL over the window! Yes, he finger painted the back seat window with marshmellow goo…just lovely!
I suppose I deserve it, right? I mean what was I thinking?! I didn’t even once think to turn around in the car while he was eating it…we were singing and having a gay old time all the way  to the store… or so I thought…Poor kid was a wreck, after wet wipe mayhem I decided to take Arlin Jack into the store with me…

yet another bad idea.

We left, after getting what we needed. Not even out of the parking lot the Captain was fast asleep.

I totally felt bad…I totally just knocked my kid out with a sugar high!?

Back to school…

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009


he can eat all the crackers he wants with those baby blues.


So, I’m thinking I’ve kinda been obsessing with taking head shots of Arlin’s glue stitches…his first war wound. Is that weird? Oh, my poor guy…

I love this red sweater he’s wearing in these pictures (again from :) Aunt Patty) Boy, I tell ya- this little guy is stylin’ with one healthy sized wardrobe. Between Pamaw (grandma), great Aunt Patty and his surrogate fathers Uncle Joel and Kirk… it’s a rare occasion as parents we have to buy him clothes!

Arlin has become fascinated with shoes…I’m thinking it’s because of the routine we go through every morning- getting ready for school here at the house, we switch from his bear slippers to his Vans, then when we get to school we have to sit down and put on his indoor shoes (the pee pee crocs-as I call em’) that’s like Mr. Rogers, except it’s shoes and not sweaters. Or maybe he’s just following in the footsteps of his father…who we all know has a serious shoe addiction. (Well, Mama knows this!)