Posts Tagged ‘truck’

love bug

Monday, February 15th, 2010

happiness is boxes and cards full of love on Valentines Day.

card from Grandpa and Grandma Larsen…

his new pal, luv monkey from Mimi, and his…”trrrrruck!”

(like his new kicks? Mama’s v-day present to the captain. I found out the founder of “See Kai Run“, my favorite shoes to buy Arlin, lives right down the street from us!)

a new hoody from Mimi- it fits perfectly and he looks pretty hipster in it… Chad said he wants one in big boy size!

from Mama and Papa…gotta have cool puddle jumpers!

oh the fun!…to be encouraged to jump and stomp around in the massive pool of water…life couldn’t get any better for Arlin Jack.

rain, snow or shine, the Captain would say “plaaaaaay pr-ease!”

It’s not a Jeep Mama!

Friday, March 13th, 2009


So excited…


he knew just what to do with the steering wheel!


checking out the dashboard…and all the doo-dads


Back it up…(PUSH-Mama!) I cannot tell you how heavy this thing is!


The Captain screamed if I took a breather and stopped pushing him around the backyard.


 Every time we play in the backyard Arlin climbs behind the patio swing to scope this bad boy out! It’s been here since we moved from Parker, and it’s been broken since before then. I hear stories of how cool it used to be and I was actually corrected at the dinner table…..

“This is not a Jeep Mama! It’s a semi-truck or tractor if you will” says proud Papa…I can only imagine the pretty penny spent some years ago for this whip. Stella had a few stories to share too! 

After seeing these pictures Papa is now on a mission to fix the semi!