Posts Tagged ‘valentines day’

love bug

Monday, February 15th, 2010

happiness is boxes and cards full of love on Valentines Day.

card from Grandpa and Grandma Larsen…

his new pal, luv monkey from Mimi, and his…”trrrrruck!”

(like his new kicks? Mama’s v-day present to the captain. I found out the founder of “See Kai Run“, my favorite shoes to buy Arlin, lives right down the street from us!)

a new hoody from Mimi- it fits perfectly and he looks pretty hipster in it… Chad said he wants one in big boy size!

from Mama and Papa…gotta have cool puddle jumpers!

oh the fun!…to be encouraged to jump and stomp around in the massive pool of water…life couldn’t get any better for Arlin Jack.

rain, snow or shine, the Captain would say “plaaaaaay pr-ease!”