Archive for the ‘Around town’ Category

warm welcome…

Monday, February 1st, 2010

Just walking by a Seattle fire engine Arlin Jack was invited right in to sit in the Captain’s seat…

I’d say the water…”where Nemo lives” according to Arlin and the seagulls and pigeons (rats with wings) oh and can’t forget the airplanes have been more than enough excitement this past week! I took him to the Renton airport and we sat on a side street and the commercial rumbled for take off right over our heads….he thought is was pretty cool! I’d say Arlin is adapting well, although his daily routine is off, like completely off… we’re trying hard to get back on track with big boy potty habits and sleep, naps are the next thing on my list to work on, cause without Arlin’s nap time- nobody can be happy!

we got a climber

Friday, October 23rd, 2009


standing  only five feet away, I literally have no clue how he got up in his high chair this fast.


“Mama’s kitty!”


“Arlin, what are you doing up there?!”


giving kisses to kitty…


“Uh, oh”

Were hanging in there. Today was day-5 of house arrest. We took an early morning field trip to get Mama Starbucks after she suffered a massive caffeine withdrawal headache in the wee hours of the morning (at least that’s the conclusion we came to) Geez, it felt SO good to breathe in the cool fresh air on the way to the car, way too cooped up in the house.

We also left again this afternoon to go to the doctors office to catch up on a round of shots, including the flu vaccine *whew* Arlin does not have H1N1…just an upper respiratory infection that nurses say we’re through the worst part of, if everything goes well, Arlin should be back in school Monday.

Arlin was a total champ for the shots. He always amazes me, he’s such a trooper! I brought along some “cookies” (fig newtons) for the car ride home, he was so happy and totally distracted from his boo-boos.


Thursday, October 15th, 2009


Biggest Tractor Mama’s ever seen. I was so excited to see this beast parked at a neighborhood construction site, cause I knew it would totally excite Arlin Jack. Tractor, sounds like “Cr-a-cker”…as Arlin says it, it’s his new repeat word (we’re talking broken record style)


after school on Monday I picked Arlin up and told him about the “B-I-G” Tractor. I said we’d go look at it on the way home, then Arlin reminded me as soon as we got in the car that I forgot his milk…I knew we were low at home anyways, so I thought I’d swing by Whole Foods on the way to the construction site to see the huge mountain of dirt and tractor! Little did I know he’d have a mini melt down calling for the tractor (cracker) at the grocery store! The cashier thought he was pretty cool. “You want a cracker? How bout a peanut butter cookie?” I told the cashier Arlin Jack was actually saying “Tractor” as I had promised to show him a huge one…and the cashier said “Ohhhh, well here ya’ go buddy here’s a sticker with a tractor on it!” And look I’ll put one on too! and now we’re twins!” It was pretty fun as the young cashier stood there also wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt. Arlin made another buddy. He’s getting pretty good at this. :)


Cookie in hand and Tractor sticker proudly on his chest…oh and cold milk in his sippy cup we were on our way to hunt down the bIG tractor! Arlin was so stoked to check it out. I had half the mind to let him crawl through the fence…there was a small hole we could fit through…but I thought it prolly wasn’t such a good idea afterall. (No need to teaching urban exploring just yet!)


some park time today…he’s feeling better and back to school tomorrow…hooray for Mama!


TRACTOR’s are cool!

where or where…

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

…has Mama, Papa and Arlin Jack been???


Last weekend when I was working the Farmers Market, Papa spoiled both Arlin Jack with this new wishbone trike and Stella Vita with a junior size skateboard deck and full set of pads.


Bike! Bike! Bike! Arlin wants to ride it all day long!


this is what happens…he rides and rides till he’s SO tired he lays down in the middle of the sidewalk to rest!


it’s scary that we’re only 23 months old and we ride this trike like we’re competing for the grand prix. After a few spills and barrel rolls we’ve instilled a helmet law….NO helmet; NO trike riding!!! But this law doesn’t seem to bother the Captain…he now walks around the house in his diaper and his helmet, it’s pretty hysterical.

O’Sullivan brothers…

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009

Sunday we went over to Nico’s new place to see the twins, and catch up…


trying to keep the Captain from mischief  was nearly impossible at Uncle Nico’s new place, where the twins only being almost 7 months are not yet mobile…but soon they will be! Enzo is already doing the army crawl!


Enzo and Papa, Nico.


Cassius, or Cash Money as his Papa calls him.


Big boy Enzo. He was the smaller of the two at birth…not anymore!

Aren’t these guys handsome!?


And…Mr. Trouble. Arlin Jack took quite well to antagonizing Knuckles, the dog.

Wishing I had a picture of Salvador and Palmer Sioux to complete the circle of what will be “major mischief” in years to come.

children’s museum…

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

Been busy and sidetracked from uploading these. We met Abby and Palmer at the Denver Childrens Museum last Friday, Arlin Jack was off school that day. Unfortunately I didn’t know the museum closed early on Friday’s…we only got to show Palmer bits and pieces of the museum coolness. I’m on a mission now to find my guest passes and take them again. The boys loved playing with the trains, oh and shooting the mini basketballs on the mini sized basketball court….that place is really cool and for Arlin it seems like he sees something new every time we go.












Too bad, I took a video of my monkey climbing this twisty thing but I shot it with my little camera and didn’t think I was holding long ways to capture the height of the shot, so I’ll spare you having to watch a video with your head turned sideways! He fell…of course I captured that too…and then you hear me panic and I toss the camera into the sand to save the Captain!

blues and brews…

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

I forgot I snapped these on my i-phone…we went to the blues and brews fair on S. Pearl Street last weekend with team Woefel.


Arlin wore this purple ice cone after a couple minutes…literally a pool of purple syrup in his stroller. The next morning after I had forgotten about this incident my heart sank when I thought I saw a humungous bruise on the back of his thigh…but it was just stained from his icey cone.geez.


Palmer Sioux cruisn’ his new param…btw the way Palmer…your camo hat is on the dining room table and every time the Captain walks by it he says….Pa-mer, hat….as he points to it. I say…”do you wanna play with Palmer?”

“Yah! Yah!” :)

just wrong…

Monday, July 20th, 2009


We frequent Pete’s Greek Central in Denver and “Pete” has taken a liking to Arlin Jack, he was playing around making Arlin’s new dinosaur figurines disappear into the restaurant window behind us…with all the teasing the Captain was a trooper and won not only a soft spot in his heart but dessert on the house!


Arlin Jack’s first soda experience (a little bit of sprite and cherry) don’t cha love the powered mustache?


so happy. one hand on the cookie, mmmm, and one on the soda!

Chad was leaning back in his chair laughing away….


not kidding, this is Arlin Jack mimicking Papa…we all were laughing, he is such a funny character!


poor Stell was in a bummer of a mood when she got to our house with some bad news that her doggie Rudi died Saturday, only a puppy he supposedly died in an accident in the quarry above their house in the mountains. We gave her lots of hugs and Arlin Jack worked his magic with her and before we knew it we had plenty of giggles…


we drove to Target after dinner to grab some last minute things for Stella’s big day at camp…wow were they ramped up on a sugar high followed by a major meltdown in the toy section by Arlin Jack.

fire truck…

Sunday, July 19th, 2009


watching the bigger kids run back and forth role playing…


not sure whether he should put the hat on or not…afterall we do have a boo boo on our forehead.


but he wore the hat like a champ and drove co-pilot anyways!

Our year membership to the Denver Children’s Museum has been money well spent. I’ve more than enjoyed watching Arlin Jack grow he seems to be having more and more fun playing in each environment every time we go.

This one’s for Uncle Joely…

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009


My gentle giants. Awww, doesn’t get any cuter than this.


All of us went to the Concours d’Elgance… a car show. This is Captain Jack wearing his skis…Uncle Joel’s shoes :)


I spoiled Arlin Jack with some of my frozen vanilla custard… while teething he loved it!


walking in his skis was virtually impossible but he still tried.

Wishing Uncle Joel a safe drive to Texas! Say hello to Kirk for us….and we will see you guys soon……..”yeah! Babies!” :-))