Posts Tagged ‘Stella’

sideways, sorry

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

but it’s still cute, just turn your computer screen if you can…or your noggin’ that would work to duh (me)…chad shot this with his i-phone yesterday while Mama was cooking dinner.

mmm popsicle…

Friday, August 13th, 2010

this video is a couple weeks old…just getting around to uploading a few videos. We had fun in the sun today and took Otis to a nearby football field for some ball chasing. We’re anxiously awaiting Sissy’s arrival tomorrow!

over the weekend…

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009


Saturday Chad and I took Arlin and Stella to Pirates Cove. I packed us all lunch and some drinks, glad I did, the food at the park was yukky.


Stella showing Arlin just how it’s done…


The Captain wasn’t too sure about the water squirter, it was fun till it hit him in the face!


watching “Siss-E” as he calls her.


pool time.


Sunday we went to the park I had Arlin Jack’s baby shower, and took Arlin and Stella on the train ride around the park and into the petting zoo. I’ll have to pull the pictures of the petting zoo off chad’s camera. While we were inside the sheep and pig corral the pig started play fighting with one of the sheep and to my surprise nibbled my leg after pommeling a poor toddler little girl standing nearby. Arlin was right next to me and I think it startled him just as much as me…I scooped the Captain up and bee lined it straight out of the pen squealing the whole way. Chad and Stella thought it was pretty funny…

I thought it was funny the troublemaker pig’s name was “Stella!”


walking up the creek at the park.


Miss Stella sporting some of her new duds, glad they fit and she said are “comfy, comfy!”