Archive for February, 2009

Breakfast time….

Sunday, February 15th, 2009

LOL … First time feeding himself.


Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

No nap today. It was hard to get things finished around the house. I was hoping to nap myself- went to the dentist this morning and had a not so fun time. The Captain was quite the fuss budget for the first couple hours he was home from school. I think he had a tummy ache. He refused lunch…and then had a blow out diaper shortly after?! After that he was all smiles helpin’ Mama mop the floors. (except Mama didn’t mop :-) ) We took Otis to the groomer too. Arlin always gets a kick out of seeing the big dogs they have at the shop.

For Papa…

Monday, February 9th, 2009

Just an F.Y.I. I’m posting tonight against my will. I cannot tell you how my heart aches when I look at these pictures of my poor little guys face. But Papa is out of town and a little home sick…he asked me please please post some pics of my little dude so I can see him! (they chatted earlier on the phone- it was pretty cute.)




snackin’ on some peas…healthy guy.


the song goes….”Brush, brush…Brush! Big boys brush their teeth!”


I guess Big Boys brush their hair too…ha.

Papa…we love you and miss you. Have fun working in Chicago and call us in the mornin’!

Back to the Bib….

Monday, February 9th, 2009


I really did give the Captain a full bowl of oatmeal and bananas this morning. Bad Mama?


Check out the banged up cheek from the park (more pictures to follow)


See! He can get the spoon to mouth thing down…


(those are his new rocket ship gripper socks for his indoor shoes at school- the pee pee crocs got banned too- the Captain has duffed it one too many times in them.)


Sorry buddy…were back to the Bib!

Friday with Palmer Sioux…

Saturday, February 7th, 2009


snack time! it started at the table. then they moseyed around the kitchen with their raisin boxes…ya’ I think Otis will be eatin’ raisins for the next week or so, I keep finding ‘em everywhere!


Abby- the “peace” onesie mojo worked again. :)


intense…hyper focused on those purple boxes.


’round the block…’round the block…these alley cats loved the wagon!


I swear this mini set of cleaning utensils was the best purchase ever! hours of pure entertainment.


Arlin showing Palmer his race car.



It was a real treat to have Palmer over for a couple hours while Mama (Abby) got smart at school. I swear these little bruts feed off each other. Mostly in a good way, they do occasionally rough each other up- like push the snack time table into each other’s bellies. I’m thinking Arlin maybe the alpha male in his classroom environment and Palmer actually gives him a run for his money which I think is great, we need balance. I am always amazed with Arlin’s vocal expression after Palmer leaves, I think he picks up on new things Palmer is able to communicate. I heart playdates with Palmer Sioux!

Three’s company….

Thursday, February 5th, 2009


Outside our front door at home. The Captain was fully stocked up…snacks, cold milk, and Kitty…



After Mama hit her mile/s marker (to and around Wash Park 3 times) I cut across to the play ground area so little man could get out and stretch his legs and enjoy the sunshine too. Geez today was such a summertime tease! (63 degrees)

I’ll have to do some research. Cause I’d love to complete the marathon with Arlin in tow. But something tells me that’s not the best idea, or possibly considered down right child abuse…who knows?…’cause it will end up taking me around four hours to finish the race.

On Arlin’s level…

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009


I built Arlin’s little table and chair set up this afternoon after he got home from school. Of course the Captain had to help Mama…and stomp all over the box and bubble wrap!



so…it’s gonna take some time for the newness to wear off on this real plant thing- he is pretty fascinated by it’s presence…he spent the majority of snack time this afternoon trying to feed the flower his cracker!


our first snack time at the table…after school today.


me snapping shots from across the wee little table…hopefully these chairs don’t bust with us big kids sitting on em’!


the set up…Chad and I are trying to bring a little bit of  Montessori “like” furniture into the home, by recommendation of the Academy. We have a new training potty in the downstairs bathroom that Arlin sits on everytime Chad or I go potty :) This last weekend we picked up this eating table, two chairs…and his all time favorite- an Arlin size cleaning utensil set (still on the hunt for a wood set like they have at the school) but these will do for now- they were half off…Ha. Maybe I do clean too much. I swear the Captain has been following me everywhere around the kitchen the past couple of days with his new broom in tow. It’s really too cute. Tonight we ate dinner at his table (well Arlin and I did) we used a plate, a spoon and a cup…I was beyond impressed with my little guys manners and we didn’t throw any food like I envisioned! Hoo ray!

at the car wash

Monday, February 2nd, 2009




The captain got kind of scared when we went through the car wash today. It didn’t even dawn on me that he’s never been awake when I go through the drive thru car wash, his normally sleepin’. Today after running to the gorcery store and to the bank I decided the car desperatley needed a bath so I headed to the usual spot we frequent…where the vacuums are powered by the vacuum gods…I swear you gotta be careful when vacuuming the inside of the car out. Those vacuums have sucked up important reciepts, a pair of my gloves (well one of em’… & what’s the point of only having one glove?- I had half a mind to just let the vacuum suck up the other glove…who knows maybe somebody filters the waste…I wonder of many things have been sucked up by that thing!?)

Anyways, Arlin started to cry  as soon as we entered the sud scrubbing part. I guess I never really noticed- that contraption is pretty loud and gets pretty friendly all up on the car and up the sides of the windows… I turned around and started singing to him and of course snapped a few shots….NO…I wasn’t driving, car was in neutral, on the  track thingy… ha.