Archive for the ‘At the Park’ Category

Blue shoes…

Monday, June 1st, 2009

Sunday…I took Arlin Jack to a new park, well, a new park for us over by Denver University. I figured I’d try and wear him out before I drug him to a fabric store with me. It kinda worked, however, getting sand in my boot wasn’t so much fun.


He was a little timid at first. All slides and steps were a little bigger than the parks we normally frequent.


Chad and I got the Captain some new shoes Saturday…he’s bumped up a size again…




watching a soccer game…


Who’s sailing this ship?! 


Why, the Captain…of course!


the great debate…do I go or do I stay?


Post #190!

Saturday, April 18th, 2009

Geez time is flying. I remember when Arlin Jack was just a tiny little guy in a car seat I could carry everywhere. And he’d sleep all the time. Turning into a toddler! Sometimes we bypass nap time and were getting ready for potty training at home…yikes.


Scoped out a new park and a new running route for Mama…it’s over by 4 mile park (I think)


So much free grass space, he didn’t know what to do with himself!


walking down to the water to see the duckies…


lots of duckies! Arlin…”Can you say “duck”?” His vocabulary is simply short of amazing. All you have to do is ask him…can you say and the words keep coming!


luckily I was paying attention…this is the Captain going for it…just going to lay down in the pond and swim merrily with the duckies!??


No, really he wanted in the water!


we played on the playground for a bit after the duckies got a bit aggressive wanting more bread, which we ran out of.


my handsome Jack.


all about the sand, in handfuls…

I snapped all these pictures Wednesday afternoon. We’re housebound now, the weather is icky. Some snow, and a lot of rain…and it’s COLD. At least the Captain got to go to the gym with me this morning and play in the kids play area, he likes it there, lots to do with other kids of all ages.

Afternoon at the park…

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009


has to carry around his snacks…


who you mean muggin’?


preparing for the backwards descend down the slide…


lots of laughs…

Went to Harvard Gulch park this afternoon after the Captain woke up from his beauty rest. I was able to finish another card while he was napping so I figure we’d get out and enjoy the 65 degree weather, that and it’s so much easier these days to let the Captain loose outside. He’s been getting really honoree (sp?) when cooped up in the house. No joke today after lunch before the park I was washing the dishes and I turned my head for one minute and he climbed up onto his little table and had my orchid/vase off the window ledge…I about had a heart attack and some not so nice words for the Captain….you do NOT touch Mama’s orchid buddy…………….that’s a big NO..NO!

Family time…

Sunday, March 22nd, 2009


Confluence Park, on Saturday…


I ran from our house down to Evans across Santa Fe Dr. and 8 miles up Platt River to meet the boys at Confluence Park.


Captain’s legs are a little short yet for climbing, but he’s got the concept down for sure!


loving the slide action…


with open platforms on both side of the playground I had to chase him around everywhere he went…(Chad says I over do it) I’m just so afraid of his “fearless” curious george…. I visualize him falling off everything!


Papa helping with shorty’s legs!


we walked along the river back up to R.E.I where Chad parked the car…we stopped to watch this lady standing on something that looked to be a surf board…


Uh…Oh…she started to holler!


Splash…Bummer to be her for  the rest of the afternoon at the park in all white wet attire!

Off to Abby and Kiko’s anniversary gathering this afternoon…the Captain and I may be attending alone….Papa’s got a sore throat. : (

Monday Monday!

Monday, March 16th, 2009


trying to stay entertained waiting for my i-phone to be evaluated at the Apple store.


I’d let the Captain cruise…then reel him back in!


“Well hello Mr. Plant.” I swear he was having a conversation here.


reeling him back in…again and again.


my little guy.


after the mall visit and a repaired or should I say replaced i-phone I took the Captain to Wash Park playground to blow off some steam…


this guy has absolutely NO fear of anything.


great picture…i love it.


the Captain’s glue stitches finally came off this morning…geez! I thought he’d be eighteen and still have em’! those suckers were on there good! No scar…Woo Hoo!


I literally thought he was going to buck himself right outta’ this rhino!


an hour later and dinner time…we headed home. Plum tuckered out by 6:30pm we read our potty training book and went nite- nite with kitty!


Tuesday, March 10th, 2009


me trying to reach in and get the shot…Abby once said “it’s like being the paparazzi to get a decent shot of these guys!” It’s so true!


curious george…has to scope out all the big kids.


debating the slide…


have you seen a cuter face. grumpy old man! and look at his hand…he’s got the horns goin’ too! ha.


Arlin got excited when he found a pine cone on the ground…


he carried it like precious cargo…


Awww…ain’t he sweet? He came to give it to me.



That’s my guy.

I ran Arlin over to the Harvard Gulch Park playground for a change of scenery Thursday after lunchtime. I thought it be good for him to blow off some steam and get rid that extra energy for a good night sleep before our big day of travel. It was fun to watch him play. His getting some new words. And of course one of his favorite is “NO” it’s still cute, cause I don’t think he really knows what it means just yet- But I say “Yes”, and Arlin says “No.” He’s also saying Bye Bye and waving his hand, which we’re working on…he’s kinda doing the pageant wave now….don’t know where he got it…but it’s funny.

Park & Play with Palmer

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009



these two are mobile…movin’ & a shakin’…



Palmer pulling Arlin…


I love this picture! Palmer could be the next Radio Flyer model…


Watching Palmer giggle on the swing next to him…


Arlin’s turn to push…


Arlin’s new thing at the park…he’d go round & round until he was dizzy when he got off!


Captain likes the big kid swing…

The weather was amazing today…as you can tell…I’m in shorts and sandals. It was in the mid seventies…ahhh gotta love it. Palmer Sioux and Abby came over for a bit and we took the tikes over to Platt Park, in the Radio Flyer. I love that wagon…so much fun.

Three’s company….

Thursday, February 5th, 2009


Outside our front door at home. The Captain was fully stocked up…snacks, cold milk, and Kitty…



After Mama hit her mile/s marker (to and around Wash Park 3 times) I cut across to the play ground area so little man could get out and stretch his legs and enjoy the sunshine too. Geez today was such a summertime tease! (63 degrees)

I’ll have to do some research. Cause I’d love to complete the marathon with Arlin in tow. But something tells me that’s not the best idea, or possibly considered down right child abuse…who knows?…’cause it will end up taking me around four hours to finish the race.

Harvard Gulch Park…

Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

Chad and I took the Captain over to Harvard Gulch Park Sunday to blow off some energy… hoping it would tucker him out enough to get a good afternoon nap in so Mama could hit the Thanksgiving sale at Macy’s. And sure enough it worked like magic!

Chad and I were laughing, Arlin’s “Silly Bear” Pooh hat looks like a vintage football helmet…(not gonna be picking up the ladies wearing this number!) Arlin fits right in at the park, with NO fear he takes off down any size slide head first on his back or on his tummy. In the picture above, I was afraid to let him go- but he couldn’t be bothered with Mama’s help.

However, being Captain cool on the slides in front of the 14 month old twin girls he still has yet to figure out eating the bark at the park is for babies- Big boys don’t eat bark!


Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
Little man on a mission…
chasing after “Hawkins” the sheepdog.

We made it to the park yesterday…It was nice to let Arlin burn some of that energy allowing a peaceful afternoon nap. Boy how Mama loves nap time! It’s when everything magically gets accomplished.
I have to pick up more safety latch locks, before I lose my mind. It’s a constant battle with emptying the contents out of the kitchen island. I’ll be washing the dishes and before you know it Arlin is dragging around a huge fry pan chasing after the dog. He loves to mess with Otis, always stealing his bones!
Papa came home late last night…Arlin was tickled pink to have breakfast with him this morning.