Archive for the ‘Just another day’ Category

second set…

Friday, July 17th, 2009


and we’re not even 2yr.old yet!  Oh, lord help me!


walking out the front door for school Thursday morning, the Captain biffed it knocking his noggin on the door jam. Second time around my heart was in my throat. Calm, cool, collected was all I could think….at least try anyways.


at the pediatricians office. We waited anxiously for the next available Doctor, what a challenge to keep injured Jack entertained in an all white room!


after exhausting everything packed in the diaper bag I finally let him have at the treatment room, I figured the nurses had to understand he was going stir crazy after 45 minutes! Arlin Jack found great interest in the step stool, he must have taken the caster wheels off and on 50 times! He’s pretty smart.


it was worth the wait and then some! Yay! Otter Pops! Arlin was such a champ when they flushed his cut out and glue stitched him up the doctor and nurse were amazed at how well he laid still and he didn’t fuss one bit! I was super proud of him.


this was the Captain’s first popsicle experience….and hmm was it good! He was so excited when the nurse handed it to him he couldn’t hardly stand himself we both giggled all the way out of the office and finally Mama could breathe again. I definitely think I was more bruised than Arlin over this morning mishap.

Moments after the popsicle was consumed the Captain was crashed out…

Pee-pee party…

Thursday, May 28th, 2009


rough housing with kitty. my we’ve grown quite attached to her. I noticed today her tail is a little week in one spot…uh oh!


i feel ya’ buddy. We had workers in the backyard all yesterday and today. Arlin Jack and I both wanted to play out in the back with his new water station toy.


Mama’s boy? maybe…


he’s so funny with his apron and “hat” (a new word for Arlin) I’ve made a big enough deal about being a big boy when he puts either of them on.

So, this next blurb I’ll spare both you and the Captain the embarrassing pictures…However, I can paint you a picture… I’ll start by saying I think the Captain is ready for some serious potty training here at the house. He’s mastered taking his pajama bottoms, socks and diaper off and pee-ing all over his bedding and half his stuffed animal friends in his crib.

He thinks this is funny and Mama after completely stripping down all his bedding twice in the last two days does not. Both times mind you it’s very late at night and WAY passed the Captain’s bedtime! I’m having to get creative with what pajamas I put him down  in….it’s too hot for long sleeve footed sleepers….but I can’t just leave him in a diaper either…

Hmmm, the dilemas of phase one potty training!  You teach him how to undress for bath time by himself with a little help…but at times like these, middle of the night strip tease pee-pee parties….do you scold him??


Hanging with Jack…

Monday, May 11th, 2009


rockin’ his new hat we got him for school. I’m trying to make them “cool” and tell him his a “big” boy when he wears them so it’s not putting up a fight to get him to wear one this summer…we have to protect the CHEEKS!


In and out…up and down…still hasn’t lost it’s luster (if only it worked)


why so serious A.J.?


Come on…Mom!


This is becoming a regular…Wai! not the pacifier! Arlin Jack is cutting his two incisors, and he’s had some rough patches, he’ll actually go into the drawer and sneak his pac-ee. But I’ll only let it slide when I know he is really uncomfortable. But Otis and the Captain…their becoming best buds. Otis is sooo good with Arlin. 

Wiping the nose…

Saturday, April 11th, 2009

Arlin…let Mama wipe your nose…


Running from me…


I gotcha!


resistance with all his might…


it’s called the “take-down”… & Papa thinks it’s funny.

Two wheels

Saturday, March 21st, 2009


an empty cup…but it’s Mama’s…so he’s thrilled and empowered!


handsome devil…


so intense…


rocks and a starbucks cup…that’s all you need.


on to the next…


at first I thought it was Stella’s bike he was after…


makin’ room…need clearance!


he wanted the small blue bike that was behind Stella’s cruiser…and boy was he determined!


I decided to help the Captain out…


And pulled the blue bike out for him…”Does he even know what to do with it?” I thought to myself…


YES…he sure does! This is me holding the bicycle with one hand ( a bicycle with no training wheels I might add!) and taking the picture with the other hand…while the Captain climbs right on up!


with two flats tires…he wasn’t exactly easy to push around the backyard on flagstone.


I’m over the runny nose! Add that to the Mommy list….windex, spray n’ wash, and kleenex! I should buy stock in all three!  Spring Break is all next week. Captain will be out of school- maybe we’ll have time to de-snot our little guy?! I’m hopeful to get my little guy healthy and spend some quality time with him! 

I hollered at Chad to come downstairs to see the Captain on the bicycle today…I was totally blown away and I think Papa was surprised too. He is fearless, it’s so cool to watch him explore (and it’s totally scary at the same time) He is all BOY.

Papa and I both turned to each other and said it’s time to get the Captain his first bike, o.k. maybe trike! Just in time for summer!

Pushin’ thru the week…

Thursday, March 19th, 2009


learning to brush our teeth…Um, has been one challenging adventure!


we’re at least going through the daily routine now with only a few melt downs…but I’d be fibbin’ if I told you I was finished with the “vice” grip head lock to get the upper front four teeth! Man is my guy strong!


this is the Captain smiling as he sucks the “bubblegum” flavored toothpaste off the brush…it’s the Captain’s version of brushing his teeth…he stands at the faucet, wets his tooth brush and then slurps the water off it. And he does this over and over again. It’s funny till your in a hurry and the Captain is standing there soaking wet, not to mention the water he’s managed to splash everywhere!…I’ve never done so much laundry or gone through so many bottles of windex cleaner in my entire life.


Captain had a tummy ache after school today. Along with a slight fever (cutting more molars-yay-not!) It was super warm again today, so I let him cruise around the house in his diaper and tee…before bath time. Looking forward to summertime, he’s so darn cute with no shoes on, stompin’ around the kitchen.


Captain wanted to be held the majority of the afternoon. I can kind of be a push over when it comes to giving him a little extra t.l.c if I know his not feeling well.


Arlin after his bath time carried this violin case (Papa’s from when he was 3yrs.old) which isn’t exactly lightweight, he was so determined to get the locks undone…then he’d stop and just stand on it?! frustrated our we Captain?


cracker break.


BOOKS!…Yes, we are finally into books! And he’ll actually sit for me to read them aloud to him. Yay, this makes Mama very happy…


he picks out the book then climbs up onto my lap…


Story time before bed every night…at least that’s what we’re shooting for!

It’s not a Jeep Mama!

Friday, March 13th, 2009


So excited…


he knew just what to do with the steering wheel!


checking out the dashboard…and all the doo-dads


Back it up…(PUSH-Mama!) I cannot tell you how heavy this thing is!


The Captain screamed if I took a breather and stopped pushing him around the backyard.


 Every time we play in the backyard Arlin climbs behind the patio swing to scope this bad boy out! It’s been here since we moved from Parker, and it’s been broken since before then. I hear stories of how cool it used to be and I was actually corrected at the dinner table…..

“This is not a Jeep Mama! It’s a semi-truck or tractor if you will” says proud Papa…I can only imagine the pretty penny spent some years ago for this whip. Stella had a few stories to share too! 

After seeing these pictures Papa is now on a mission to fix the semi!

Back to the grind…

Thursday, March 12th, 2009


proof’s in the pudding…Captain earned and is now proud owner of..Gold Wings!


don’t laugh it worked! The Captain enjoys company while he eats. And while Mama is busy getting her morning cup of coffee ready… she thought it was worth a try to sit Eebee in the seat next to the Captain. Eeebee is now a regular for breakfast, lunch and dinner at the Larsen’s!


Mama cleans while the Captain makes a mess…we make a great “duo”…


a present we managed to squeeze into our luggage from Great Grandma Ruby…she didn’t even know the Captain’s other show besides Eebee Baby is Little Einstein’s!


you push the blue button and the chair talks to you! He loves this thing! Chad’s on the hunt though…after a major burst of excitement last night it’s possible the Captain popped his beloved blow up chair…it was looking a little deflated this morning.

New words as of today…”More” “Cheese” and “Go, Go,Go”…(Go-not Ga, which means dog in A.J.’s world) it’s something new everyday! Btw…Arlin is addicted to raisin’s…I have to hide the canister from him or he howls till you cave in! His teacher shared with me today at pick up that “Arlin “REALLY” likes raisins! And he said the word “more” while he signed it too!” I was waiting for raisin’s to enter the sack scene! I knew I’d get some kind of story.


Thursday, February 26th, 2009


this picture is just for Pamaw…give him two sporks and he is ambidextrous! little Picasso…


cruising the front yard…new terrain.


such a handsome fella’


on our backyard swing…I daydreamed for a bit of how I used to bundle the Captain up with blankets and take him out to the swing… & sing  him to sleep and rock for hours. (the days he use to cuddle!)


walking tall right next to Mama…


stopped to check out the birds…his new wonder…only problem, he can’t figure out where they are!


admiring the doggy across the street. Are all doggies bigger than Otis…the Captain loves watching big dogs.

Oh, thank you thank you! Today when I picked up Arlin from school his teacher said he was really fussy all day, let loose with some screaming and a few crying fits. I figured I was in for a real picnic the rest of the day. He was crashed out asleep in the car before I could even pull in the drive way. I carried him into the house and he was like a sack of potatoes, didn’t budge at all, went down for his nap with “Kitty” and slept for 2 hours!

I was showered from the gym and painting onesies waiting for the Captain to get up… I was very pleasantly surprised when he roused from his nap. We had such an awesome day together. Ate a huge lunch, went for a walk, played in the backyard for a bit and his playroom upstairs, had dinner, and a bath and went down for the night without a peep.

Words are forming…you can hear the gears in his noggin’ turning 100 miles an hour. He gets dressed for school with minimal help, and now potties in his diaper still but standing in the big boy bathroom. It’s really funny actually if you ask Arlin if he’s Poop’d he nods No and gives you totally crooked smile.

We’re growing up…


Wednesday, February 25th, 2009


my little scientist.


who needs toys when you have boxes…and…


Infant Motrin syringe?!


This picture probably captures today’s day.

Lots of screaming (he screams like a girl when he’s upset- that high pitch shriek) Ugh it hurts. Mama’s not going to fib- I desperately broke out the Motrin this afternoon. After a scream session at the grocery store and all the way home in the car I not only broke down and gave him some Motrin but his pacifier too. Even with his pacifier he walked around the house screaming at everything while pulling his own hair. Otis wanted nothing to do with the Captain today and stayed out in the back yard-kinda funny I wanted to join him. I tried everything I could do to distract him from whatever was bugging him. I’m pretty sure it’s his teeth. I think I can see his incisor teeth poking through…It’s gotta be his teeth because he was a mess this afternoon and up almost every hour last night!


Bath time can always wash away the icky’s… most of the time…


Bubble fascination…he loves to eat them.


O.k. I got one big smile today, maybe even a couple…knowing the Captain.

Whew, today was a little rough. I picked up the Captain at school after getting a phone call that another student in his toddler environment bit him on the fore-arm. Ouch buddy. It wasn’t terribly bad, no blood…but you can defintely see a bite mark. This is the third incident report in the past week for biting- I guess it’s a thing at this age they do? I’m just hoping Arlin doesn’t join in.

Better day tomorrow- I can feel it!